Back to 70's

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They still had a few minutes to talk and Emília could get to know the three jurors better. She was very happy to know how relaxed the atmosphere was. A few minutes before returning to their seats for another round of contestants, Emília called Mika aside to talk to him.

Emília: What was Fedez talking about me?

Mika: Who said he was talking about you ?!

Emília: I know he was!

Mika: It was nothing special.

Emília: Say it!

Mika: He was praising you! Only that.

Emília: Only?!

Mika: Why the big interest?

Emília: Because it was about me ... (smiles) And because he is ... interesting.

Mika: Em! No!

Emília: No what ?! I thought you liked him!

Mika: Fedez is a good man but ...

Emília: But what?

Mika: But it's not your type.

Emília: What ?! What type?! I do not have "a type"!

Mika: Emília, I have to go. We'll talk later. OK?

Emília nodded and Mika quickly kissed her forehead before running to his seat at the jury table.

Emília spent the time between watching the auditions and going to talk to fans who were going to audition. A time before the auditionsended that day Lola arrived, which made the time faster.

When the auditions were over, they all got together behind the scenes to say goodbye. Lola already knew them.

Lola: Let's record?

Mika: Yes.

Fedez: Can I watch it?

Mika: For me ... But it's the first time Emília will act and maybe she will not feel so comfortable ...

Emília: That's fine with me.

Mika: Are you sure?

Fedez: If you do not feel comfortable, that's okay.

Emília: I do not think your presence will make me uncomfortable.

Mika: Well ... If Emília does not oppose ... Let's do this.

They followed the four of them into a room with a paper on the door that warned they were recording. As they entered they saw the perfect recreation of a 1970's cafe and some people who looked like Grease. Emília was soonenthusiastic. As she was not able to move Guido had to grab her and push her into the clothing. As she set her eyes on the dress her enthusiasm overcame the scale. It was black with white skulls, a red belt and flower to match the headband and shiny shoes. After dressing, people came in to make-up and doing her hair. A very red lipstick, a black stripe on her blue eyes, and the typical hairstyle full of waves. She left the living room with her most enthusiastic face. Already talking to Guido was Mika in a very sleek leather jacket. What Emília noticed, too, was that his curls had not been stuffed back with the gel. Instead they had used the gel to put his curlsperfect. They were so entertainedin the conversation that they did not see her approach.

Emília: So? Are we going to record today or not?

They all turned to Emília and dropped their jaws. The first to react was Guido who was a man with no time to lose when it came to work.

Guido: Wow Emília! Perfect, perfect, perfect! (screams) Guys! In your places! (grabs Emília's shoulder to pull her) Emília, let's record the first scene. Mika will be sitting at the counter and ...

Emília: I go in, I see him, I look at him and I sit down. I wrote this.

Guido: Yes you did. Excuse me.

Emília raced to the supposed entrance of the cafe.

Guido: (screams) Let's record! 3, 2, 1, action!

Emília began to walk to her place. As she passed in front of Mika, she caught his eye and he lowered his sunglasses as she went to her seat and sat down.

Guido: (screams) Cut! Let's do it again! (comes to Emilia) Emília, you were walking.

Emília: Is not that supposed to be?

Guido: No. I do not want you to walk, I want you to parade. Do not forget that you have the devil inside you. You're here to get that man. (points Mika) You're determined, sassy, ​​a bad girl!

Emília got up, took a deep breath, and returned to her place. Guido shouted "action" but Emília did not move.

Guido: (screams) And cut! Emília?

Emília: I'm sorry, I've never representedbefore and I was wondering if you could get the music playing. I think it helped me a lot to interiorizethat spirit.

Guido: Whatever. Lola.

Lola put the music in a column. Guido returned to record and this time Emília walked with much more determination. With the music playing, she felt more cheeky.

Guido: Very well! Perfect!

After she sat down, the scene continued with Mika sitting in front of her while doing the play back from the beginning of the music. Then it was the milkshake scene. A very simple scene in which, basically, each one of them had a fruit smoothie and, with the straws, they made a beat war while laughing. Of course, laughter did not have to be represented. Guido would later put parts of that scene in slow motion so it must have been with incredible images. As they got all dirty they decided to end up there.

Guido: (shouts) Tomorrow I just need Mika and Emília to record the next images! See you tomorrow!

Emília was going to change clothes when Mika grabbed her.

Mika: I have not told you yet ... you did very well.

Emília: Thank you. You too. You could have lived in those years. You look good on this style.

Fedez: (approaching) Emília! Complimenti! You represented very well! I think when they finish filming I'll watch the video every half hour. Ho pensato che non si poteva ottenere di più bello ma sbagliato. (Congratulations! ... I thought you could not look prettier but I was wrong.)

Emília: I'm sorry ...

Fedez: You're beautiful.

Emília: (blush and smile a little sheepishly) Thank you. I think I really have to learn Italian.

Fedez: Come that I am happy to teach you.

Mika: I can teach you ...

Emília: It's a deal. See you tomorrow.

Fedez:  Fino a domani. (See you tomorrow)

Emília: Fino a domani.

Emília stepped into her dressing room. Mika looked at Fedez who still stood staring at the door where Emília had come in while biting his bottom lip. Mika decided to say no more than a "goodbye" and he also went to change clothes.


A/N: Attention! This video does not exist! I'm the one inventing it! Are you enjoying the idea of the video? Are fans of Fedez here? What do you think of this chemistry between him and Emília? The next chapter is going to be crazy!

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