Just one song

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The next day everything got up very early and Lola's house was filled with women to help her with her clothes, make-up and hair. At ten in the morning they went to church. Emília hugged Lola before she entered the church and wished her good luck. Emília entered the church in her red dress and for moments they all turned in the hope of being the bride. However, after seeing that it was not Lola they continued to look at her. She was a little embarrassed and went the way with her head down. She thought they should be wondering who she would be but in reality they were commenting on how beautiful she was. She finally reached his place in front of the church next to Mika who was speechless when he saw her. And that was good because he was so elegant that she also could not be able to say anything at all.

The mass was very pleasant even for those who were not a believer. After an hour and a half of Mass they went to the restaurant. Emília was in Karen's car so she would not have to go with Mika.

They arrived at the restaurant and went to see what their table was. Of course, Emília was the same as Mika's. Karen was overjoyed when she saw that her friend had put her on the same table as Mika. Everyone sit to wait for the bride and groom's entrance but Mika did not appear. Emília tried not to care about it but it was really strange. Lola and Pascal entered with a lot of applauses and had lunch served. Before Lola sat down, Emília called her.

Emília: Do you know if anything happened to Mika? He has not appeared yet.

Lola: I do not know, but do not worry. He knows the place.

Lola went to her table and Emília was alone with Karen and Guido for lunch.

At the end of the meal the ball was opened. The space in the middle of the circle with the tables started to have some couples dancing to the sound of French songs and with some lights of color to create a beautiful environment.

Karen: Looks like Mika decided not to come just to make me feel bad.

Emília: (smiles sympathetically) It seems so.

Karen: Well, we're going to have to go to Plan B. (looks at all the people at the party) Look over there at the table 3. There's one whothat it's not bad and is always looking to us.

Emília looked up and saw a man looking at her. He smiled at her and she eventually smiled too.

Karen: Wait! Forget everything! Look who just came!

Emília looked across the restaurant and saw Mika. At that very moment, and despite being a great distance from each other, he also looked at her.

Karen: My goodness! He's looking right here!

Emília: It's his table.

He began to walk and to pass among the people who danced in the middle of the room. Emília had to evaluate well the way Mika walked because to her it seemed that he was walking in slow motion. And maybe for Karen too.

Karen: He's coming here !! Looks like an apparition!

Mika continued on his way without taking his eyes off Emília. If it was already hard to breathe for Emília, the fact that within a few feet of Mika, he hand had squeezed her curls and made them sway, it did not help her restore oxygen levels in her blood. Mika finally stopped right in front of Emília.

Mika: Good afternoon, girls.

Karen: (appears behind Emília) Hi! I'm Karen, Lola's cousin. Do you remember me?

Mika: Yeah. Everything okay?

Karen: Very well.

Mika: Em, do you wanna dance with me?

Emília: Mika ...

Mika: (stretches an open hand) Just one song, please.

Karen was jaw-dropping behind Emília. Emília looked at Mika's hand and finally laid her hand over his. He got up and he led her to the center of the room. Mika grabbed Emília's waist with one hand and with the other lifted Emília's hand. Emília had a free hand on Mika's shoulder. They were rocking back and forth as Mika pulled Emília closer through her waist and he ended up leaning against her. Emília still thought about protesting but instead laid her head on Mika's shoulder.

Mika: (whispers in Emília's ear) Let me talk to you. I do not want you to hate me anymore.

Emília: I do not hate you.

Mika stepped away from Emília and looked into her eyes. Suddenly, he went to his coat pocket and pulled out two lollipops.

Mika: Do you want to go outside and enjoy these lollipops?

Emília smiled, grabbed one of the lollipops and came out holding hand with Mika.

Outside the restaurant there was like a park with fountains and garden benches. Emília and Mika ended up sitting on one of the benches each with their lollipop.

Mika: Em, I'm sorry I did not tell you before.

Emília: I'm the one who apologizes Mika. I was very insensitive to you.

Mika: I wanted to tell you. I was going to tell you but I did not know what to tell you. When you were on vacation in Portugal I realized that ... I was not able to live without you. I realized that I will never find anyone who loves me and cares for me better than you. But I did not know it was love. Or knew, but did not want to believe it. I did everything with the intention of not losing you and I lost you for that.

Emília: I'm sorry, but you did not. We promised that we would always have each other.

Mika: So you're not mad at me?

Emília: I have tried but ... I can not. I've never felt so alone as in these last days. I did not talk to you because I was afraid. Have you've seen the risks you're taking? When the world knows you're not gay, you're gonna get in trouble.

Mika: Emília, do you think I did not think of that ?! I thought but... I never wanted to know what they said about me, I will not care now. I love you, Emília. I would do anything to see you do a food fight again ... (look in Emília's eyes) and see you sleeping next to me.


A/N: I did not want to end this up, but if it does not, the chapter gets too big. What do you think Emília should do? Vote and comment.

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