Bomb launched

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Emília sat on the couch with the dogs, one at her side and another at her feet. Fortuné saw her there alone and sat down beside her.

Fortuné: They are doing suits. Do not you want to go there?

Emília: No. I prefer this moment with these four-legged friends.

Fortuné: Is that your way of sending me away?

Emília: (laughs) No! I'm at your house, in your living room!

Fortuné: (puts an arm behind Emília) How are you?

Emília: (rises an eyebrow) How am I? I am fine.

Fortuné: It's good because Romeu did not deserve you and did not deserve you to feel down because of him.

Emília: Ah! That's what you're talking about! Yes, I'm fine.

Fortuné: You mean that you're over him?

Emília: Completely.

Fortuné: (Leaning towards Emília) And that means the road is clear.

Emília: (Rises quickly from the couch) N-No!

Fortuné: (stands up) No?

Emília: I mean ...

Fortuné: Mika would have commented if you had got someone.

Emília: (nervous) Yeah ... I guess ... I'll see what they're doing.

Emília left the room, and Fortuné sat on the couch confused by Emília's reaction.

Emília entered the room where they were all and lay gaping. The room was full of fabrics and designs, and although they were so many things and the room was not that big, it was all very organized. In the middle of the room was Mika with a blue suit with a few stars and her name that should be new because Emília had never seen it.

Joannine: Emília, come here.

Emília approached the group of women facing Mika.

Paloma: What do you thinl?

Emília: It's spectacular! I admit it's my favorite so far. But I'm suspicious. I love how this color looks in him.

Paloma ended up showing some more drawings of her and Yasmine that was not very pleased that Emília was seeing them and so they were until dinner time. They all left the tissue room to start preparing everything for dinner. Emília waited for Mika who was behind an improvised poodle with cloths to change clothes. As soon as he saw her, smiled and went to grab her, but she turned away.

Emília: Tell your family!

Mika: Em, we just arrived. Calm down, I'll tell them.

The kitchen was full and everyone was pacing. Emília wanted to help but was not allowed so she went next to the pool to catch some air. It was not long before Fortuné came back to stand beside her.

Fortuné: Emília, I'm sorry if I scared you.

Emília: It's alright. Let's just forget about that, okay?

Fortuné: No, I do not want to forget. Listen. I do not know what you know about me but ... I find you interesting and since I knew that you were not with Romeu I thought we could try.

Emília: I do not know.

Fortuné: I know that you and Fedez have almost had a thing and that you are no longer looking for anything serious. You just want to enjoy life and I can help you with that.

Emília: Fortuné, I think you are very sweet and funny and do not get me wrong but it would not work.

Fortuné: (puts himself face to face with Emília) We do like this. I kiss you and you'll see if it works or not.

Fortuné leaned forward with his eyes closed and his lips stretched, and Emília retreated very fast.

Emília: NO! STOP!

Fortuné: Why ?! It's just a kiss!

Emília: I have a boyfriend!

Fortuné: It can not be! Mika would have told me!

Emília: Yes, I have!

Fortuné: Why did not he ever talk about it?! Who is he?!

Emília: (looking at the floor) I can not say.

Fortuné: What ?! Who is he?!

Emília: (looks seriously at Fortuné) IT'S YOUR BROTHER!

Fortuné was in a state of shock, and Emília covered her mouth with her hands and stopped talking again.

Fortuné: Are you crazy? It can not be.

Emília: I already said too much. Mika is the one who has to tell you this.

Emília turned her back to leave, but Fortuné grabbed her wrist.

Fortuné: (incredulous) Are you telling the truth?

Emília did not answer. She let go of Fortuné and went to the kitchen where they were finishing the dinner between giggling. Fortuné only reappeared when they all went to the dinner table.

Joannine: So how's the X Factor running?

Mika: Well. More and more talent.

Fortuné: Do you not have news for us?

Mika: Me? No. You already know how it works ...

Fortuné: I'm not talking about Factor X.

Mika's sisters and mother's eyes widen in curiosity.

Zuleika: What's he talking about?

Emília looked down with embarrassment and Mika was increasingly confused.

Fortuné: I already know Mika. There was someone who opened her mouth but of course it's you who have to tell.

Fortuné looked at Emília and she wanted to disappear.

Mika: (looks at Emília) Did you tell him ?!

Emília: Sorry! I did not want to but he was going to kiss me!

Mika: (turns to Fortuné in an exalted way) YOU WERE GOING TO KISS MY GIRLFRIEND!!?!

The whole family was in shock. Everyone wanted to talk and ask questions but Mika was too angry with Fortuné and with everything to  even realize what he had said.


It created a great confusion that was only broken with a scream of Joannine.

Joannine: SILENCE !!

Mika and Fortuné were silent and everyone looked at her and she was with an angry expression.

Joannine: How old do you think you are ?! I want an explanation!

Mika: Mom, I ...

Joannine: Yeah, I know it should be you giving it but you've said enough. Emília, please.

Emília: (straightens and rubs her hands in her pants) Aaa ... Well ... There's not much to say. Me and Mika are together ... in a relationship.

Yasmine: What?!

Paloma: Mika?

Zuleika: But are you not gay?

Joannine: Girls, easy! (looks at Emília and smiles) Emília, my dear, I see you very frightened and nervous. You do not have to be. I'm so glad to hear that. I just hoped Mika would have the decency to tell me sooner.


A/N: Did anyone expect this reaction from Mika's mother? In the next chapter you will see why. Vote and comment.

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