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An elegant man stepped out of and came toward them. Emília was the first to recognize him.

Emília: (shocked) Romeu ?!

And she was right. It was Romeu. Emília dropped Mika's hand and ran to Romeu. They hugged each other tightly.

Emília: What are you doing here?

Romeu: I have a few days off and I decided to come and visit you.

Emília: How did you know ...?

Romeu: Guido. Remember?

Emília: Oh! Yeah!

Mika came over and shook Romeu's hand.

Mika: Are you okay?

Romeu: Yes. And you?

Mika: I trie to. I'm glad you came. Emília was already mising you a lot.

Romeu smiled and Emília gave Mika a little shove.

Emília: So? That was not to tell. (smile)

Romeu put an arm around Emília's waist and pulled her to him.

Romeu: Are you guys busy?

Emília and Mika looked at each other.

Mika: No.

Romeu: (looks to Emília) I just hoped I could take you to dinner.

Emília: It looks good to me. M, would you be okay?

Mika: But do you always have to ask me that?

Emília: Yes.

Mika: I will be great. (puts his hand on Emília's shoulder) You deserve. Besides, I do not want to hear Emília complain about missing her boyfriend anymore.

Emília: (eyes wide) O-K! So let's go!

Emília gave Mika two kisses, and Romeu squeezed her hand again. She grabbed Romeu's hand and he opened the car door for her.

Mika continued on her way home. When he opened the door he did not hear anyone. Just heard the sound of crockery and headed toward the kitchen. As he passed the entrance to the dining room, he noticed that the table was set for two people. He was thinking about it when Richard came out of the kitchen.

Richard: I hope you do not mind that I have been taking with your things but...

Mika: Where's Lola?

Richard: Lola was here to tell me that Romeu was having dinner with Emília and that she was having dinner with band members so we could be alone. I mean ... if you want.

Mika: I do not know. Do you feel comfortable having dinner alone with a friend? Maybe this is too romantic for two friends, don't you think?

Richard: Mika, I'm sorry. Please, let's sit down, eat and talk about it.

Mika ran his hands over his face and eventually went to the table. Richard was not very good in the kitchen, but he was not bad at all. Also, he could not have talent for everything.

Richard: Mika, I'm so sorry to have introduced you as a friend to my father but, you have to believe me, I did this to protect our relationship.

Mika: Protect from what?

Richard: From my father.

Mika: Why? What is he going to do? Send you to a college of nuns?

Richard: Mika, I'm serious.

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