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After dinner, Mika went to the bedroom and called Guido so that Emília would not listen to his ideas for the video. A few minutes later he returned to Emília with a big smile on his lips.

Emília: So?

Mika continued to smile without saying anything.

Emília: Tell me now!

Mika: When you pack for Lisbon you'll have to carry a larger suitcase.

Emília: What do you mean ?!

Mika: Because after Lisbon we will return to Milan!

Emília: That sounds great but ... explain.

Mika: I already had to go there to record the X Factor so we decided we're going to record the video there.

Emília: Okay. Sounds good to me. However, I have the feeling that you are not telling me everything.

Mika: I'm not. Sorry, but there's another detail Guido is still figuring out. Only then can I tell you.

Emília: Damn Mika!

Mika: I'm sorry. It will have to be. To compensate (gets up and grabs a box from the table) I have your present here. Well, to be honest, he's not mine. It's Zuleika's.

Emília: From Zuleika ?!

Mika nodded and handed Emília the box. She grabbed it slowly. She was a little suspicious because she had no idea what it might be or why Zuleika had a gift for her. After a while to look between Mika and the box decided to open it carefully. When she saw what it was, her eyes shone with joy. Mika bent over to look into the box but she snapped it shut.

Mika: Em! What is?!

Emília: It's proof that Zuleika is as spectacular as I think.

Mika: I know she liked you very much. Can I see?

Emília turned the box over to Mika and opened it. And there was the magnificent blue and gold necklace that had enchanted Emília when it was still only a drawing on the sheets of Zuleika. Mika did not say anything. Just smiled.

Emília: Are you not going to say anything ?!

Mika: What do you want me to say ?!

Emília: I do not know. "Wow", "it's spectacular", anything like that!

Mika: If I did that every time she makes a beautiful jewel ... I'm already used to my sister's great talent.

Emília: I do not know what to do with this!

Mika: Use it.

Emília: But it has to be in a special moment! I already know! When went to "5 para a meia noite"! That way I would advertise!

Mika: That sounds good. Now I think I'd better take you home. Have you not agreed to stay with your parents?

Emília: Yes I did. (rolls her eyes) I don't want to!

Mika: (stretches an arm to Emília) Come on, I'll stay with you in the house a little bit.

Emília slipped beneath Mika's arm and he laid his arm on her shoulders to guide her out of the room.

When they arrived at the house of Emília's parents they were a little surprised by Mika's presence but they welcomed him well. Emília and Mika sat on the couch.

Paula: I know it's still early, but your father and I are going to rest. Mika, make yourself at home. See you tomorrow.

Emília and Mika: See you tomorrow.

Paula left the room and Emília placed her legs on Mika's legs.

Mika: Where did your mother go?

Emília: Sleeping.

They spent some time talking and laughing, but Emília finally put her already heavy head on Mika's shoulder and fell asleep.

The next morning Emília and Mika were both sleeping on the couch, lying side by side when a very loud voice woke them up.

Alfredo: But what's going on here ?!

Emília and Mika jumped so high that as Emília was outside the couch she was falling down. Just did not fall because Mika had a quick reaction time and grabbed her by the waist.

Alfredo: Let go of my daughter!

Mika, very frightened, raised his hand quickly from Emília's waist. She, who was still on the edge of the sofa and now had no support, fell from the sofa.

Mika: I-I ... I'm so sorry. I better get going.

Emília: Without eating anything !? No way!

Alfredo: Emília!

Emília: He's not going anywhere without eating.

Paula enters and sees Mika and Emília standing and Mika putting on his shirt.

Paula: What's going on? What's Mika doing here?

Alfredo: He was sleeping on the couch ... with your daughter! Naked!

Emília: What ?! That is not true!

Paula: Mika, come with me to the kitchen. Let's eat something.

Alfredo: (almost in secret to Paula) I want him out of my house.

Paula: And he'will gone but first he's going to eat.

Paula led Mika into the kitchen and Alfredo still stood in the room looking at Emília with a stern look.

Alfredo: I'll talk to you later.

Alfredo left the room and Emília breathed a sigh of relief. She went into the kitchen and he was not there. He'd probably gone into the bedroom to avoid looking at their faces.

Mika: Um, do you think you can pack so we can go to Lisbon today?

Emília: So out of nowhere?

Mika: There are more interviews coming up. Sorry to be unannounced.

Emília: I'm joking with you. I love things without warning. This is how I like to live. Suddenly I'm here after I'm already in another country. I like it.

Mika: Great!

Emília: But ...

Mika: I knew it.

Emília: (laughs) I want to go there by train.

Mika: You're joking.

Emília: No.

Paula: Emília! Sorry Mika but she loves to ride the train!

Mika: Let's do that!

Emília: Really?!

Mika: I also prefer the train.

Emília jumped from her seat and hugged Mika's neck.

Paula: So you're going to take my girl again.

Mika: For a little while because ... You, your husband and Emília's friends have tickets saved for the concert.

Paula: Mika, it's very nice ...

Emília: Mother! Yes Yes Yes! You have to come! I'll act!

Paula: What do you mean ?!

Emília: I'm going to play a song with Mika!

Emília pouted and made eye of an abandoned doggy to her mother and she had to give in and promise that she would not miss it for anything.


A/N: Once again ... I look forward to the story progressing. Do you like the necklace? Look for the jewels of Zuleika. They are magnificent. I do not know why it reminds me of a scarab but it does.

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