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Emília: It's not because of the clothes that you do not want to go to the concert, isn't it?

Richard forced smiled a and said "no" with his head.

Emília: I'm sorry. You do not have to tell me anything but I noticed something was happening and ... we're friends ... right? But if you do not want to say anything you do not have to say!

Talking to him was like stepping on a trapped floor where one foot is placed in front of the other to try not to activate any trap.

Richard: It's just ... I'm afraid of Mika.

Emília: (raises an eyebrow) Why?

Richard: I think ... he's still upset with me. Because of the interview thing.

Emília: Do you think so ?!

Richard: He ... did not react very well to today's joke.

Emília: He is going to forget that!

Richard: I do not know. I do not like this bad environment between us.

Emília: He can not force you to go to a place with him! Be calm. I think he's just a little annoyed. Besides, that's no reason to close yourself here. Quite the contrary. Because if you do not show up he'll be really sad.

Emília lowered herself so that she could look into Richard's eyes and smiled at him to make him respond with the same gesture. And he answered and raised his head.

Richard: I'm beginning to realize why Mika likes you so much. You are a good friend.

Emília: (gets up) You have to stop saying these things! I can get accustomed with that!


Emília: Well, I'm going out for you to get dressed. (Turns her back on the door)

Richard: Emília! (She turns back to him) Thank you.

Emília: (takes a salute) Always here.

Emília left and at the entrance of the hotel were already Lola and Guido.

Emília: Richard should not take long.

Emília blinked at Lola, who gave her a smile of relief. A little later Richard appeared with the brown suit, which Emília had said was the one that would get better, and she was right. The brown highlighted his green eyes and blond hair.

Lola: For the one who did not want to come ...!

Emília: Don't you doubt my abilities!

Richard reacted a little embarrassed and they went out together to the concert site.

Already at the door of the local for the concert was a crowd waiting to open the doors of the typical madness. They grabbed the V.I.P. cards and started passing the crowd, their posters and all sorts of artillery. However, Emília failed to reach the end because she was recognized by some fans who wanted to take pictures with her. Lola and Richard continued, and Guido stayed with Emília if they needed a translator. Emília even had to apologize for having to leave because fans did not stop appearing to try to catch her attention. She ended up spending about 20 minutes.

Guido: Mio Dio! You're done with it!

Emília: Do not tell me anything! Luck is that they have been very sweet to me.

Guido: At least that.

Emília: I'll see about Mika.

Emília went to Mika's dressing room and knocked on the door.

Mika: Come in!

Emília: (peeks into the dressing room) Can I, Mr. Penniman?

Mika was sitting in front of the mirror while they were putting makeup on him up and straightened his hair.

Mika: I do not know .... Ok, come in!

Emília came in and sat down on the couch. At the same moment the girls finished and left.

Emília: You're very pretty.

Mika: Thank you. What do you want?

Emília: Well ... do you remember the time you said that I shouldn't had no problem talking about you and things like that?

Mika: Yes ...

Emilia: I'm going to intruse into your life.

Mika: What do you mean?

Emília: I think you should talk to Richard.

Mika: (eyes widening) What do you mean with that ?!

Emília: He thinks you're upset with him because he did not go with you for the interview and he feels bad.

Mika: But I was really annoyed. I will not lie.

Emília: Okay, but you have no reason to. You can not force him.

Mika: (sits next to Emília) You're right. I can not but...

Emília: "But" nothing!

Mika: Looks like you're scolding me.

Emilia: That's because I am. It's part of being friends.

Mika: All right. You're right. I'll apologize. It's not worth it getting angry at something so insignificant.

Emília: I would not say better. (Gets up) I'm out. I already gave my "shot". You come?

Mika: I'll be in a few minutes.

Emília: (grabs the door and opens a little) Oh! Just saying! You should invite him to dinner.

Mika: What ?!

Emília: Nothing! (Starts to leave) I'm gone! (Closes the door behind her)

Emília went to Lola's side and whispered in her ear what she had said to Richard and what she had said to Mika. A little later Mika left and joined the team. Richard stood beside Emília in silence. But that was not strange. He was usually quiet.

Mika: Richard.

Richard lifted his head and looked at Mika waiting for him to continue but as soon as he did he was called to enter the stage.

Mika: I'll talk to you later.

Richard: Okay.

Mika entered the stage and Emília noticed that Richard was a little tense with that but since she did not know what to do, she just smiled at him as he looked at her. As time passed he was calmer. At the end of the concert they had a little time to celebrate before they went to catch the plane. In the midst of the confusion Mika made a gesture to call Richard and they went to the dressing room.

Lola: Mika? He disappeared.

Emília: He went to talk to Richard.

Lola: (excited) To where?!

Emília: To the dressing room.

Lola: Mon Dieu! How crazy!

Lola started to run to the dressing room, and Emília, a little shocked and confused by that reaction, went after her.

Emília: Lola!

Lola puts her face in the door.

Emília: Lola! That is wrong!

Lola: (screams in a whisper) Enfermer *! I'm his big sister! I have the right to know!

*Shut up

They stood at the door listening to the conversation. Inside Mika was standing, leaning against the make-up table and Richard was standing in front of him.


Oooohhh! What are they going to say??

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