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The next day, despite her tiredness, Emília was full of energy. She got up, ate, took a shower, and packed while she hummed.

Mika: Are missing Milan that much?

Emília: That too, but not only. I think I still have the yesterday night inside me.

Mika: I know that feeling very well.

They went to the airport where the family of Emília was to say goodbye before returning to Porto.

Paula: (embraces Emília) Have a good trip and good luck for the recordings.

Anabela: We'll be the first to see this video! We'll be refreshing the page until it pops up!

Alfredo: Good luck, daughter. (hugs Emília) We'll wait for that video.

Her friends gave her a group hug and Emília took advantage of the fact that she was among them to tell them something that only they could hear.

Emília: (whispers) My parents are going to freak out with the video! They can not see it!

Cátia: (whispers) Emília, we can not stop them from seeing it.

Emília: (whispers) Then watch them all together so they stay calm.

Júlia: (whispers) Okay.

They moved away, and Emília emerged from among them. She nodded once more to the family and grabbed Mika's arm as he took her to the plane.

The trip was quite calm since the tiredness took advantage of the fact that they were sitting to show itself. After about three hours on the plane they arrived in the charming city of Milan. As usual, they went straight to Mika's house to unpack. When Mika opened the door to Emília, a very happy person jumped up, Lola, who hugged her.

Emiíia: Lola ?! What are you doing here ?! Should not you be preparing the wedding?

Lola: I should, but I did everything I had to do and the rest I left for a friend of mine that her job is to organize wedding parties. You think I would miss a video recording with you two ?! Never!

Emília: Glad you're here to put some order.

They unpacked while they talked to Lola about the experience in Portugal and Lola talked about the exhaustive experience of preparing the wedding.

Lola: So what's the plan today? It's so funny to be me asking that.

Mika: Guido comes over here for a meeting about the video and then we're free. Free to sleep until tomorrow.

Emília: That sounds so good!

Lola: Mon Dieu! Looks like you're the one dealing with a wedding!

Before Guido arrived Mika made tea and put food on the table for everyone to snack while they talked about the video.

Guido: I already got a studio to record and I have some good news. It's in the X Factor studios!

Mika: That's great! It wil be leaving on one side and enter the other!

Guido: Esattamente!

Mika: And what did you get more?

Guido: Everything! Team, wardrobe, makeup ... The truth is that we will not do much in this area. We have to keep it simple.

Mika: Does this mean that ...?

Guido: That tomorrow, soon after X Factor, we can start the recordings!

Mika: So ... It's set for tomorrow night after the auditions. Now, if you do not mind, I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to see a movie. Anyone who wants to do the same feel comfortable to do it.

Emília: I'll do it!

Guido: I have to go.

Lola: I'm not in a hurry!

Emília: (grabs Lola's hand) So stay!

Lola: I'll stay.

After all the bathing, they sat down on the sofa. Mika put his arm behind Emília's head and she laid her head on Mika's shoulder. Not long after Emília had fallen asleep.

Mika: (speaks almost whispering) I'm going to put Emília in bed so she can sleep peacefully.

Mika got up carefully and grabbed Emília. Lola followed him without him noticing. She saw him lay her down, cover her, and when she was about to turn back to her seat so that Mika did not realize she had followed him, she realized he did not leave the room. As she stalked she saw Mika crouched next to Emília, looking at her and running his hand through her hair. He kissed her forehead and turned. Lola fled to the sofa and, luckily, he did not notice anything.

Mika: Poor thing. Vacations are bad for a person.

Lola: (smiles) Mika, is it possible that you look even more like a couple than before?

Mika: You think so?

Lola: Do not you feel it?

Mika: I do not know. Why?

Lola: I think this month you were apart made you realize how much you need each other.

Mika: Yeah ... Maybe.

Lola: Well, I'm going. See you tomorrow.

Lola got up and Mika led her to the door. After she left, he wondered what she had said. He went to the bedroom, lay down, and looked at Emília sleeping deeply at his side. Were they looking more and more like a couple? Was that soul mate trick real and were they soul mates? Were they just more friends than before? He did not know what to feel about all that. One thing Lola was right about. That month without Emília around had been hell. He needed her presence more than anyone else's. He had become dependent on her.

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