(In)coordination at the gym

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Mika took a deep breath and, after receiving a few light strokes on the back of Emília, went to open the door with a smile on his face. When he opened the door he lost his smile when he saw that Richard was not on the other side, but Lola.

Mika: Oh ... It's you.

Lola: (frown) Bonne journée à toi aussi! (*Good morning for you too)

Emília: Good morning Lola. Do not get angry, he was waiting for his boyfriend.

Mika: Em, he's not my boyfriend!

Emília: Not yet.

Lola: Is Richard coming?

Emília: They're both going to the gym.

Lola: (grinning) I see.

Mika: What are YOU doing here anyway ?!

Lola: We're going to work! We could also be dating but we take our work seriously! By chance I could not but Emília could.

Emília: I was much happier.

(Knock on the door)

Mika: Now, girls. I'm going. When I open the door I do not want to hear any thing that embarrass me.

Emília: We wouldn't!

Lola: Really! We know how to behave!

Mika rolled his eyes and grabbed the doorknob. He took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile. This time it was Richard. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt and black training pants.

Richard: Good morning. Are you ready?

Mika: Yes. Let's go?

Mika tried to leave quickly so Richard would not even have the opportunity to notice that Lola and Emília were inside.

Emília: Good morning Richard!

Richard peeked into the room, watching Emília and Lola at the table.

Richard: Good morning, girls.

Lola: Have fun! Richard, work hard with him!

Emília covered her mouth and turned her face to avoid laughing at that intervention. Mika ran a hand through his hair and tried not to care.

Mika: We'll see you in the studio.

Lola: Au revoir and be careful that many journalists are there.

As soon as he left the hotel, five journalists appeared. The questions were essentially about the party the night before, though some were about Richard coming to his side without ever lifting his head. Neither of them answered anything and went to Mika's car which, through Richard's instructions, led to the gym. When they arrived, Richard greeted a young man from the reception he had known before and introduced Mika as Michael.

Mika: You called me "Michael."

Richard: I'm sorry. Was it wrong? It was for you to be able to have more privacy ...

Mika: You did well. It sounded a little weird, that's all.

Richard: Where do you want to go first?

Mika: I do not know. I do not understand any of this.

Richard: Okay. Let's get the treadmills to warm up a bit.

Each of them went to a treadmillsnext to the other and Richard turnned on Mika's, put it at a comfortable speed, went to the treadmillson the side and ran with a much higher speed. Mika looked and noticed that he was going much faster and bent slightly to try to see how fast he was going. Richard did not notice. He seemed to go into a trance whether he was dancing or trainning. Mika looked at all the buttons in front of him and wondered what it was that would put him at least as fast as Richard, for he did not want to look weak. After analyzing all the buttons he pressed what seemed to him the most indicated. His treadmill began to increase in speed but very fast. So quickly he could not react to push a button to stop it. Fortunately, Richard finally realized and by the time Mika was to be projected from the treadmill he jumped out of his as quickly as possible and stepped behind Mika to stop him from falling. For a few seconds Mika's back touched Richard's chest, catching his breath as the treadmillscontinued to walk alone.

Richard: Are you okay?

Mika: (embarrassed) Yes, thank you. Maybe the treadmill is not for me.

Mika wanted to get out of that "touch" but for this he had to turn around and face Richard, so he waited until Richard pulled away so he could leave. Richard turned off the treadmills and led Mika to the Bikes.

Richard: Let's try this. It's like riding a bicycle. You put one foot on each side and one hand on each side and you're pedaling.

Mika went up to the equipment and Richard went up to the side. Mika had some difficulty in getting it started. Once he got it, he was always stopping.

Richard: Are you getting it?

Mika: No! I have no coordination between arms and legs!

Richard: Do you want to choose something else?

Mika: I do not think I can do anything. I suck at everything!

Richard: Ey, do not be angry. We have not yet discovered something that is the most ideal for you but we will find it.

Mika: Richard, everyone knows I was not made for the gym. And now I'm angry and I feel like destroying it all! (expires forcefully)

Richard: (raises his eyebrows) That's it! Big idea!

Mika: Really?

Richard: Come with me.

Mika left the Bike and followed Richard to another part of the gym that was almost empty. There he had a wrestling or boxing ring and Richard lifted up the rubber bands and went into the ring.

Richard: Come on.

Mika was a bit receptive but ended up doing the same and climbing the ring. Richard grabbed a boxing glove and walked over to Mika.

Mika: What ?! I do not know if this is a good idea!

Richard: Give me your hands.

Mika stretched out his hands and Richard put his red gloves on. Then he put on gloves himself.

Richard: Ready?

Mika: Richard ...

Richard: Do not worry. I'll be gentle with you.

Mika: (whispers) I wish. (high tone) Hey! Wait there! What do you mean by that?! You think I can not handle it ?!

Richard: Maybe not! Can you handle it? (starts jumping from side to side with fists up) Show what you're worth!

Mika: (raises his fists) Now you'll see!

Mika started to jump as well and punched Richard in his gloves.

Richard: Is that your best ?! Very weak!

Mika: (annoyed) I'm still warming up!

Mika was still hoping to gain the strength and the courage to punch hard. As he was taking Richard, he punched him hard in the arm. Mika was even more annoyed that he was not as sweet as he'd said and punched him in the arm with much more force. They started to spin around in the ring, and Richard hit Mika again, this time hitting him in the chest.

Richard: So? You can not be unprotected!

Mika clutched his arms back and fisted another punch in Richard's arms.


A/N: What do you think it's going to happen?

Dedicated to user40700962 😛 thanks for reading and your good coments

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