Thinking with the heart

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The noises outside the tent grew closer. There was not a single sound inside the tent. Emília leaned as close as possible to Mika with tears streaming down her face and Mika squeezed her.

Mika: (whispers in Emília's ear) I love you.

Emília: (cries harder and whispers against Mika's chest) I love you too ... do not say it like it's the last time.

There was the entrance of the tent shaking and Mika closed his eyes tightly. There was a female voice that did not sound strange. When Mika opened her eyes she saw that the one who had opened the tent had been Lajja. He did not notice what she said but it sounded good news because everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mika: Em, I think we're fine.

Emília began to move away from Mika slowly. Lajja approached.

Lajja: Are you ok?

Mika: Yes, thank you.

Lajja: Do not worry. It was just a fright but it's over. We're safe. Need something?

Mika: I think we just need to breathe a little.

Emília finally had the courage to turn her back on Mika and Lajja saw Shahrazad on her lap.

Lajja: OH MY GOD! Shahrazad! We did not know about her! We thought ...

Mika: Emília grabbed her in time. She is fine.

Lajja: Thank God! Thank you so much for saving our little girl.

Lajja reached out and grabbed Shahrazad's small waist. As soon as she tried to pull her out of Emília's lap she clutched her neck harder and made a moan as if to start crying. Lajja called for her and told her something in Arabic but the girl clung to Emília and said nothing.

Lajja: I'm sorry. She will not let go.

Emília: It does not matter. She's still scared. Let's give her some time to realize that she's safe.

Lajja nodded and left Shahrazad on Emília's lap. Emília hugged the girl harder and kissed her head.

Mika: Em, I think you should help the child to realize that she can let go of yourself.

Emília: How do I do that?

Mika: Drop her on the floor. Try to hold it with your hand, for example.

Emília: But I do not want to let her go.

Mika: Yeah, but ... She can not get used to it. You will not stay Em.

Emília: Mika.

Emília told him to come close to her and he did.

Emília: (almost whispering) Let's take her.

Mika: Say you're kidding.

Emília: I'm not.

Mika: (in despair) Em...

Emília: Let's keep her.

Mika: We can not do that and you know it.

Emília: Nobody needs to know. Maybe there are volunteers here who did not mind helping.

Mika: Emília, that is kidnapping!

Emília: There's more people doing it!

Mika: (a little exalted) It's still a crime!

Emília shed more tears as she set the ground. Mika noticed that it had been too rude and took a deep breath to keep calm.

Mika: (grabs Emília's arms) Em, sorry. I know you're saying these things because you're a good person. You are thinking with your heart, not your brain, and as much as I adore how loving you are, you have to be rational. You know very well that this is not correct. Yes, a lot of people do, but these people are not public figures, or they all knew it was a crime. And even if you could get all the paperwork and everything was cool, do you think it was a good time to take a child? The world still thinks I'm gay. Imagine what it was if now I appeared not only with a girlfriend but also with a child. Em, this is not easy for me either, but we have to be aware of things. Do not make this all harder, please.

Emília continued to cry in a silent way. She squatted still, clutching the girl, and laid her feet on the floor. She let go of her slowly, but Shahrazad clung tightly to her neck and stood on tiptoe while moaning. Mika, seeing that it was complicated, motioned to Lajja to approach. Lajja grabbed Shahrazad from under her arms and pulled her from Emília. The child was crying with arms outstretched for Emília but Lajja managed to put her in her lap while talking to her.

Mika: Emília, we might as well walk.

Emília: Is she going to be okay?

Lajja: Yes, do not worry. She is very young. She will forget this easily.

Emília: You're right. She will forget me.

Mika: And to help make that happen and calm her down, we had better go.

Emília nodded. Lajja thanked them immensely and apologized for what happened even though it was not her fault. Mika, Emília and Joannine returned to the van with the same man driving and returned to the hotel. Emília went the whole way in silence and with wet eyes fixing the landscape of the window. Arrived at the hotel and she went towards the room without reaction. Before they entered each on their rooms, they stood and looked at one another.

Joannine: Emília, my dear, do you know what I have there that I have done for you? Chocolate Cake! Would you come in and eat a slice? Or do you want me to take it to your room?

Mika: (smiles) Em, you're being invited to eat the best chocolate cake ever!

Emília: (no reaction) Thank you but ... now I do not feel like anything. Maybe later.

Mika opened the bedroom door, Emília entered, Mika made a sad smile to his mother and entered.

Emília quickly changed into her pajamas and sat down on the sofa looking at the television screen. However, the television was off and she did not turned it on. Mika watched her from a distance. He did not know what to do, so he let her have her moment of peace. At dinner time he asked what she wanted but she did not want to eat anything. A few minutes later Mika offered her tea.

Emília: I already said that I do not want anything, thank you.

Mika: This time I'm not asking you. You have ingest something, even if it's just a tea.

Emília decided not to antagonize him, she did not have the strength to do so, and she forced herself to drink the tea.

Mika: Is there anything I can do for you?

Emília: (shakes her head up and down) Just come to bed with me. I want to sleep but I do not want to be there alone.

Mika: (embraces Emília and kisses her head) Of course my love.


A/N: I know. It's sad but it's reality. What do you think will happen to little Shahrazad? Is Emília going to get through this? Would you have taken the child or would you have  agreed with Mika?

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