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It was December 24, Christmas Eve, and Emília was at her parents' house with her family. Friends were not present because they were with their families themselves. To compensate Emilia had with her, in addition her parents, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and a grandmother. The house was very crowded. However, empty for Emília. Mika was in America with her family. Worse, they had not been together for nearly a month when he went to Hong Kong and she to Portugal. Since that he did not stop from side to side and she went on a Christmas vacation at home.

Emília was sitting on the couch at the computer as some younger cousins ​​gathered in front of her to play on the Wii. She was trying to work and with them dancing at Just Dance in front of her was harder but she did not give up. Until she began to hear: "Big girl, you are beautifuuuul." When she looked forward she saw that they had chosen Mika's music to dance and she smiled. She had already danced that with Mika and still forces him to admit that she let her win.

Paula: Daughter, are you okay?

Emília: Yes, I was working on things here.

Paula: Sweetheart, you're on vacation. Why do not you dance with them?

Emília: I do not feel like it.

Paula: Emília, I know you miss him, but if you isolate yourself, it's going to be worst. Try to distract yourself.

Emília nodded and ended up getting up and went to cousins ​​close to her age to talk. Unfortunately, they were talking about their boyfriends, and Emília was silent for a long time.

Francisca: So what about you Emília? Are you single?

Emília: No. I have been dating for almost 1 year.

Mariana: Wait there! My parents told me about a cousin who dated a celebrity. It is not you?

Emília: Yes, it's me. His name is Mika.

Sónia: Right! I heard that too! It's the one that sings Grace Kelly. I love that song but after that I have not heard from him.

Mariana: Do you have any pictures of him?

Emília ended up having to show pictures and listen to the typical comments of "my God, he's so cute", "I would never let go of him" and "how do you get away from such a man." They did not seem to realize that it was not easy to hear that with him so far.

It was dinner time, and luckily, as there were many people, her relationship with Mika was only talked for a few times.

After dinner Emília grabbed the computer and was going to her bedroom when her mother stopped her.

Paula: Where are you going?

Emília: I'm going to talk to Mika.

Paula: But I also would like to see him.

Emília: But ... (rolls her eyes) Okay. I will stand there in a corner of the room. But I will put the headphones.

Emília made the deal with her mother. Mika took longer than usual to answer the call but it was Christmas, he should be busy. He appeared on the screen wearing a reindeer sweater.

Mika: Hello! Merry Christmas!

Emília: Merry Christmas! Where are you? I don't remember that wall?

Mika: You've never been in this room. What about you? Where are you?

Emília: I'm in the leaving room. Look who is here.

Paula received the headphones from Emília and appeared on the screen.

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