Surprise! Or is it not?

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When they arrived in London Mika proposed that they stay at his house and they accepted. Since they had arrived late, they went to bed. Emília and Lola shared a room and Richard stayed in Mika's room. The next morning they all joined in for breakfast.

Emília: What are today's plans?

Mika: Lola?

Lola: Well, now rehearsal with the band, at three-thirty interviews and then more rehearsal.

Mika: And this is the party plan.

Lola: Meanwhile, Emília and I are going to work.

Mika: And who's coming with me to the interview?

Richard: I would go but as I told you at four I have that class for the dance company.

Mika: (puts his hand to his head) Yeah! I did not remember, sorry.

Richard: It does not matter.

Mika: But I told you I liked to go watch and I did not remember I had the interview. (sad) Most likely I will not arrive on time.

Richard: It's okay, really. Stays for another time.

Mika: Areyou not really sad?

Richard: No. I understand.

Emília: I can go with you to the interview ... if you want.

Mika: Okay, agreed.

At the end of the meal they all went to the rehearsal room but Richard had to leave some time later because he had to get to the ballet company early.

Richard: I have to go. Good job.

Everyone wished good luck for Richard's lesson. He waved. Mika rose quickly from the piano and followed him out of the rehearsal room.

Mika: Richard, I'm going to try to rush the interview to see if I still see you dance a bit.

Richard: Mika, do not do that. They could think you're being rude or they could ask you questions about what's going on and ... you know ... You better not go this time. It does not matter. There will be other opportunities.

Mika: All right.

Richard smiled at Mika and turned to follow the hall.

Mika: Hey! (takes a step toward Richard who turns to him) There is no one here. Am I not entitled to a kiss?

Richard: There's nobody for now because it's a hall. They can pass at any time.

Mika: So the kiss should be quick.

Richard smiled and rolled his eyes, but he finished Mika's request and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before he left.

Mika returned to the rehearsal and before leaving for the interview called Emília to go with him. They went together and were chatting backstage while Mika was in makeup.

Mika: Em, do you think we were able to speed upthis so that we could still get Richard's class?

Emília: If you want to be fast, I think the best way is to talk to the interviewer and say something has come up and you want to get out of here sooner.

Mika: I do not want to sound rude.

Emília: It does not cost anything to try.

At the end of the make-up the interviewer passed them both and Mika stopped him.

Mika: Sorry, I do not want to sound rude, but something came up that requires my presence, could youblead the interview so that I would leave as soon as possible. At least ten minutes early.

Interviewer: Well, I do not know if that is going to be possible. It's scheduled for these hours.

Emília: Listen, if you after the interview you had a recital from your daughter, would not you do the interview as soon as possible even if it was just for her to realize that you were there and that you care?

Interviewer: Sure.

Emília: It's not Mika's daughter who will have a recital but his presence there is important to that person, so please help him.

Interviewer: (expires deeply) In that case ... let's start now to see if it leaves as soon as possible.

Mika: (smiles) Thank you very much.

The interviewer went to his place, Mika hugged Emília and only after that went to sit in front of him. Some questions were cut and so Mika got out early. Before leaving, he again thanked the interviewer.

Mika: I think it's time to go.

Emília: Get that class!

Mika: And you?

Emília: I'm going to meet Lola. This moment is only yours. But I admit I would like to watch Richard dance.

Mika: Would you be ok?

Emília nodded. Mika grabbed her head with both hands and kissed her forehead. Then he went running out of the studio.

Mika arrived at the company where Richard was teaching and was soon recognized. Since they knew Richard worked for him let him go through. He was once again running to where Richard would be. When he opened the door he was in a concert hall. It had some seats for the public, not many because it was not too big, and a stage. Above him was Richard, and about fifteen to twenty young men. Mika approached the stage but noticed that the front seats were occupied by probably company personnel, so he stayed in places a little behind. Richard was showing a few steps and the dancers were repeating. Then he helped them by correcting some details invisible to the eyes of "ordinary mortals" like Mika. It was amazing how he made things so difficult seem so easy. He jumped up and down the stage and seemed to be lighter than a feather. He seemed to fly. At the end of the class the crowd thanked his presence with applause and Mika also ended up applauding with force. They all left the stage and dispersed. Mika took advantage of the fact that they were all leaving and got up to get closer to the stage and go to meet Richard. He did not even know that Mika had managed to come and see him. As soon as he arrived on stage, he saw Richard standing next to it, greeting people. Mika came up behind him smiling and when he was no longer talking to anyone covered his eyes. Richard put his hand on the hands on his face and tried to pull them out.

Richard: I know these hands but I do not know who they are and I do not like this game at all.

Mika finally removed his hands from the face of Richard who turned around to see who it was.

Richard: (surprised) Mika ?! What are you doing here ?!

Mika: (excited) I came to surprise you!

Richard looked surprised but not radiant with the subject. Out of nowhere, a male voice was heard to be drawing closer.

- Richard, I missed you so much!


A/N: Who willbe this mysterious man? I want to read your guesses.

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