Welcome to Porto

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Emília: I'm going to take the train to the airport.

Bianca: But I want to go too!

Anabela: Me too!

Cátia: So lets fo all. Right, Júlia?

Jília: Yes.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) Okay. Let's go in the van.

Paula: Come straight here.

Emília: (picks up the keys from the van) Of course. The van is yours.

They left the house and went to the airport with great enthusiasm. First for him being famous, then for having heard stories with him. Emília tried to calm them by saying that he was a person like the others but the truth is that she should be the most enthusiastic.

When they arrived at the airport they sat on a bench as they waited for the plane on which Mika had come. It was not difficult to see when he arrived. They did not see him but saw a crowd of journalists, inquisitors and fans coming together in a big rush.

Bianca: Something tells me he's in the middle.

Anabela: Well, it's time to pass through the crowd.

Fortunately, the crowd was not exactly tight and had room to pass. As soon as they arrived at the group of people they saw Mika a few meters away. He did not see them. Emília smiled and started to run towards Mika overtaking everyone. Before she reached him, he only had time to lay his suitcases on the floor and open his arms. Emília hugged him tightly and many flashes turned. They did not bother and clung for long seconds.

Mika: (to Emilia's ear) Em, I'm running out of air.

Emília: (lets go of Mika) Do you think I care?! It was almost two months without seeing you!

Mika smiled, grabbed Emília's face and kissed her forehead. Then he took her hand and they passed between the people until they reached Emília's friends. Emília presented them quickly. Mika greeted them and they tried to hide their enthusiasm. However, Mika already knew how to recognize it and those broad smiles did not fool anyone. Emília gave her hand to Mika and they went smiling at the car. They just talked in there.

Emília: What's your idea? What the hell are you doing here?

Mika: I came to do a concert.

Emília: What ?! I do not know anything!

Mika: That's because the information must have left a few minutes ago.

Emília: So what about the rest of the team? I'm not seeing you making a concert without them! At least not without the band!

Mika: In a few days they will go to Lisbon, where the concert will be.

Emília: That's all very strange.

Mika: That's because ... You can not tell anyone but the concert is just an excuse to see you.

Emília took her eyes off the road for a moment and looked at Mika who winked at her. Emília turned on the radio and they did not take long to make the trip in to their shows. Emília's friends first got surprised and laughed at them but eventually joined.

Emília: Do you got a place to stay?

Mika: Yes. In a hotel near your address.

Emília: I know what it is. You did not have to. You could have stayed in my house, right girls?

All: Of course.

Mika: It's better this way.

Emília stopped the car in front of the hotel and Mika went quickly to leave his things in the room. Then they went to the house of Emília's parents who, of course, could not pass without a dinner at their home.

Emília: Okay. Before we go in. Be yourself...

Mika: Are you kidding me for what I said before you saw my family?

Emília: (smiles) Basically.

They got out of the car and Emília opened the door to the house.

Emília: Mom! Dad! We're here!

Paula and Alfredo approached with a sympathetic look.

Emília: This is Mika. Mika, this is my mother Paula and my father Alfredo.

They greeted each other and stood for a while in the hallway looking at each other.

Emília: What if we went to the living room?

They went into the living room and sat down on the couches. Emília explained why Mika was in Portugal and was soon searching for the concert. It really was. Ithad just been released a concert at Coliseu dos Recreios.

With the exception of Júlia, who had some difficulty in English, they all spoke well so they stayed in big conversations with Mika until dinner time. He was telling stories between them two. Sometimes Emília had to give him a touch to stop him to talk because it could get a bit embarrassing. At the end of the dinner they were still at the table talking and laughing.

Mika: Em! I was almost forgetting! I have something for you!

Emília: Another thing?

Mika got up and brought something behind his back.

Emília: What is it?

Mika: I think it's more to your mother than to you because she must have been tired of listening to you.

Mika put his hands forward and held out a can of his tea.

Emília: The tea! (grabs it from Mika's hand)

Paula: You're right about that. She was unbearable with the history of tea.

Emília: I could even drank right now but it does not make much sense.

Paula: We do it like this. Stay a little longer and we can all have tea together later before you go.

Mika: Well ...

Emília: Yes, yes, yes !! (joins hands) Stay !!

Mika: Since you are begging I'll stay.

Emília jumped up and hugged Mika.

Emília: Meanwhile ... Let's spend time with a movie.

Mika and Emília: A comedy.

They looked at each other with their mouths open and gave an "high five." Then they went to the sofa to watch television. Emília laid her head on Mika's shoulder and just did not fall asleep because she was aware of what her parents were talking to Mika about. When it stayed later, Paula warned that she would make tea so Mika could go to rest.

Emília: (raises her head from Mika's shoulder) No! Mika, do it yourself!

Paula: Emília, he's the guest.

Emília: But what about the secret ingredient?

Mika: No problem. I do it.

Paula: So I go with you to help you with things.

Emília: You want to know the secret.

Paula: Only if he tells me.

Paula and Mika went to the kitchen and while Mika made the tea Paula prepared the mugs and some cookies.

Paula: After all ... what's your secret?

Mika: (laughs) Do you really want to know? You'll be disappointed.

Paula: I want to.

Mika: Do not tell Emília but ... The secret is ... Nothing.

Paula: Nothing?

Mika: Yap. But she thinks it has a secret. That's the secret.

They took the tea into the room, and Emília drank it with a big smile on her lips. How much she missed those nights.


A/N: This isn't very well written, i'm sorry. Emília only likes tea when it's made by Mika. But she doesn't know taht it has no secret. Do you think Emília's parents like Mika?

Thank you all.

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