Tell the truth!

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They arrived at the X Factor studios where each jury gave an interview to give feedback on the auditions. While Skin and Elio were doing the interview, Mika, Emília and Fedez were in a room. As Emília and Fedez were chattering and giggling on the couch, Mika went to the coffee machine to stand with his back to them.

Emília: I really enjoyed our ride the other night. We should repeat.

Fedez: I liked it too ... For that I have to know how interested you are in that ride.

Emília: How interested am I? Very interested.

Fedez: I wish that next time you did not call it a giro (ride) but rather an incontro (date).

Emília: Okay. It's an incontro. (smiles) Anything else? Any requirements?

Fedez told Emília to approach him with his finger. She got up a little from the couch and came to Fedez. When they were already sitting right next to each other, Fedez rested his arm on the back of the sofa behind Emília. He began to lean toward her as he watched Emília's lips. Fedez closed his eyes, but Emília left them open. Their lips were almost touching when a rumble sounded.

Mika: FUCK!

Emília and Fedez quickly turned their faces to Mika and saw coffee everywhere.

Emília: (gets up) M, are you okay?

Emília approached Mika and when he turned around she noticed that the coffee was not just on the floor and on the table. Most of it was in Mika's clothes and hands.

Emília: My God! Did you burn yourself?

Mika: I'm fine, I just need to clean it.

Fedez: Prendo alcuni panni.

Mika: Grazie. (Thank you)

Fedez left and Emília and Mika were alone in the room. Emília looked at Mika and he was staring at the ground.

Emília: What did Fedez say?

Mika: He went to get cloths.

Emília: Are you sure you're okay?

Mika nodded.

Emília: Show me your hands.

Emília stretched out her hands to Mika for him to land, but he did not move.

Mika: Let it go.

Emília: Mika, show me.

Mika finally reached out to Emília and she noticed that they were a little red from the coffee.

Emília: You should get your hands under cold water.

Mika: Do not worry.

Emília: M! Do not be like that! Everyone knows how you can be clumsy. You do not need to feel bad. (smiles)

Mika, for the first time, looked up from the floor and looked at Emília.

Mika: I'm sorry.

Emília: (raises an eyebrow) "Sorry" why? It happens. You did not do anything wrong.

Mika: I ruined your moment there with Fedez.

Emília: (laughs) True! It does not matter. It was an accident.

Mika: It was not.

Emília lost the smile and looked into Mika's eyes seriously and a little confused.

Emília: What ?!

Mika: It was not an accident. I'm sorry.

Emília: I do not understand.

Mika: I purposely spilled the coffee. Sorry, Em.

Emília: I'm very confused by this. Why?! What happend to you ?!

Mika: It was the only thing that occurred to me to stop you from kissing.

Emília: (eyes wide) WOW WOW WOW WOW !!

Mika: Do not get angry, please!

Emília: But why the hell did you do that ?!

Mika: I did not want you to kiss.

Emília: And what do you have to do with it ?!

Mika: I know. I am sorry!

Emília: Mika! ... I-I ... I do not know what to tell you because I do not understand what's happening to you!

Mika: Me neither.

Emília: We are very close friends but you can not get into my life like this! Worse! You hurt yourself on purpose to control my life! You can continue to say that you do not want me with Fedez because you do not think it's the best thing for me. I know you're hiding something from me! Are you in love with Fedez?

Mika: Again that question? I already told you I'm not!

Emília: So what's going on ?!

Mika: I ... I can not tell you.

Emília: I thought we had no secrets.

Mika: Sorry, Em. This time I really can not. For our friendship.

Emília: (exalted) No Mika! Because of our friendship, you should tell me instead of going nuts like the kids because I may not have kissed Fedez now but you will not always be by my side for the next kiss!

Fedez opened the door with some cloths in his hand and met Emília and Mika with a sad look. Emília went to the sofa and grabbed her suitcase.

Mika: Where are you going?

Emília: I'm not telling you. It's a secret.

Emília passed Fedez and hurried off.

Mika: Em! I'm sorry!

Fedez was a bit reluctant to move. Mika turned to the table and hit his fists in it. Fedez finally approached him and laid the cloth on the table. Mika grabbed him with arrogance and passed him quickly on his desk and his clothes.

Fedez: Are you okay?

Mika: No. And you also should not be too happy that I stopped you from kissing my best friend.

Fedez: Well ...

Mika: I do not want to hear.

Fedez: Mika, you saw her first so if you do not want me to go ahead you stay with her, no problem. Just tell me.

Mika: Excuse me ?!

Fedez: Come on, Mika. The way you look at Emília leaves no doubt.

Mika: You have no right to get yourself into this way in my life. If you like Emília and if she likes you I will not hold you back. But one thing I assure you. I can be your friend, but if you break her heart, I'll break you.

Mika passed Fedez and started go toward the door.

Fedez: Mika.

Mika stopped by the door but did not turn to Fedez.

Fedez: I do not think I'm going to risk breaking her heart. If she knows what you feel, she would leave me in a moment.

Mika chose not to respond and continued on his way.


A/N: War is open. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Do you think Mika should tell Emília about her feelings? How do you think Emília would react?

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