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Emília went to a corner of the room with her tablet to make the call. Although everybody was putting things in order to pretending to be very busy, in fact everybidy was trying to pay attention to Emília. When Mika answered the video call Emília saw him sitting seized by one of the dogs.

Mika: (sings) "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you..."

At the end of singing he raised one arm as a way to celebrate and with the other he shook the dog. Emília clapped her hands.

Emília: Even the Happy Birthday, you sing well. I felt important for having you singing Happy Birthdayto me.

Mika: And you're important Em!

Emília: Who is that?

Mika: It's Mel. Amira is also out there but she did not let herself get caught. Fortuné brought them but went out. How was your day?

Emília: Nice.

Mika: What was the high point?

Emília: (thinks a while before answering) I had tea ... And it was horrible!

Paula: (shouts) What's the tea you gave to my daughter?

Mika heard that voice and searched the screen from where she could come but no one was there.

Emília: It was my mother asking what your tea is.

Mika: I do not know the name. I'll pick it up to show your mother.

Emília still tried to call him but he had already gotten up and disappeared from the screen. Nothing held the man. Emília got up and went to her mother. She turned the tablet's screen over, and she, seeing no one, frowned.

Emília: He went to fetch the tea to show you.

Mika returned to his seat with a tea can in his hand. As he looked at the screen, Emília was not alone.

Mika: Good evening.

Paula: Good evening Mika.

Mika: This is the tea but I have a secret to make mine. (shows the tea) Em, does your mother understand English?

Paula: Very well.

Emília: Now that we've settled this from the tea ...

Emilia began to walk back to her corner in the room but by then her friends decided that it was funny to go behind her to say goodbye.

Mika: (waves) Hello, girls.

Emília: (comes back to sit down) Do you have any news?

Mika: I happen to have. Richard resigned.

Emília: What ?!

Mika: He came to me saying that I was right about what I had said and that he needed some time for himself. He also said that although he loves working here, he was still in love with me and seeing myself almost every day was not easy for him.

Emília: And you?

Mika: I said that I understood his situation and that I did not hold a grudge. I told him that if he ever needed anything to say and that's it ...

Emília: Was it a goodbye?

Mika: It was.

Emília: And how are you?

Mika: I'm fine. It would be better if you were here but...

Emília: I know. I've missed you, too. And I've done some research to see if I can figure out why we can not catch a man at once!

Mika: (laughs) Only you. What did you find out?

Emília: I still can not tell you becauses I have not finished my studies yet.

Mika: Did you like the gift?

Emília: (sketches a big smile) I loved it! I never thought you heard me when I told you about watches! How did you remember that ?!

Mika: I always hear! Besides, I had to make up for not being there.

Emília: As if you were to blame for not being here.

Mika: No, but I have to make up somehow for everything you've done to me.

Emília: M, I already told you and I say again that we are friends and friends do not have to make up for anything.

Mika: I already know. How's the video?

Emília: I already wrote some things and Guido has approved. The idea is to be something fun and cheeky as the "Oh Girl You're The Devil" deserves. But I can not tell you.

Mika: Now I'm curious. But you have been restingg, right?

Emília: Of course!

Mika: Have you going out and have fun?

Emília: Yes!

Bianca: LIE!


Emília rolled her eyes and Mika raised an eyebrow.

Mika: What was our deal?

Emília: I did not feel like it, that's all!

Mika: GIRLS, TAKE CARE OH HER! Have they heard?

Emília: They did. You do not see anyone but they'r all right here listening.

Mika: Well, I have to go.

Emília: Noooooooo! Do not go! (stretches the arm to the camera with a dramatic look)

Mika: I have to go. We speak tomorrow.

Emília: (dramatically) "Do not let go Jack"!

Everyone in the room looked at her with a desire to laugh but kept the silence waiting for Mika's response.

Mika: (with a strong British accent and reaching for the camera) "I will never let go".

They kissed each other in the air and turned the call off. Emília took a deep breath and when she looked around still with a smile on her face she saw them all perplexed looking at her.

Emília: What is it?

Bianca: You guys are so adorable!

Paula: Bianca!

Bianca: With all due respect, Miss. Paula.

Alfredo: I'm beginning to realize that that thing of you look like a couple is very real.

Emília: Even I start to see that. (laughs)

Paula: Emília, I do not think that's all that funny.

Emília: Mother, please.


A/N: This is able to be the smallest chapter I have ever written but it has to be this way. The next chapter will be special. Did you recognize the Titanic scene? Would not be a great birthday present to have Mika singing you happy birthday? What did you think about what Richard did?

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