Here and now

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Mika: Do you want to marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?

Emília: Mika, and I ... I do not know what to say.

Mika: (worried) What do you mean? Just say yes.

Emília: That's not it Mika! I want to!

Mika: You want to ?!

Emília: Of course I want to marry you! I'm just not understanding all this!

Mika: Emília, if you say yes, let's get married here.

Emília: (eyes wide) Now ?! In this exact moment?!

Mika: Yes. This is from the notary's office. He can marry us.

Emília: Let me get this straight. You brought me to Milan not to ask me but to marry me in the place I once told you that I would marry. Are you asking me to marry you here now, with no family, no friends, no big party, no one knows?

Mika: (gets up off the floor) You're right. Maybe I was not very smart. That was a bad idea. If you do not want ...

Emília: Mika, shut up. I loved it!

Mika: Did you love it ?!

Emília: Yes! I want to marry you here and now.

Mika smiled like a child in a candy store. They hugged each other tightly and went to the man. He said some pretty words about everything that a marriage envolves, and Mika and Emília listened to him hand in hand. They were allowed to change their wedding rings and it was the first time Emília looked at the contents of the box Mika had. They were two very simple but elegant rings and inside they did not have their names engraved. It was way better than that. Emilia's had "M" and Mika's had "Em". After exchanging the rings, they were given the papers to sign. Emília was the first to have the pen. She bent to write but Mika intervened.

Mika: (whispers close to Emília's face) As soon as you write your name there, you'll be Emília Penniman.

Emília laughed and signed without any hesitation. Mika followed.

Emília: (whispers close to Mika's face) As soon as you write your name there you will have to deal with Emilia Penniman for the rest of your life.

Mika: (looks at Emília and their noses touch) Great. Exacly what I wanted.

Mika signed and the "ceremony" is over. There was nothing left to do. They were officially husband and wife and no one knew.

They went to the car in an unrecognizable way.

Emília: My God !!!

Mika: What is it ?!

Emília: We're married !!

Mika: (laughs) It seems so.

Emília: Our family will be so furious !!

Mika: Maybe.

Emília: I'm almost sure of that! Should not we call them?

Mika: Do you really want to?

Emília: (looks at Mika one moment in silence) Naaaa.

Mika: Good because ... I'm not done yet.

Emília: What ?! Mika, are you going to ask for a kidney?

Mika: (laughs) No. You'll see.

They arrived at Mika's house and he had already left some things prepared for dinner, so in a few minutes he made dinner and dined by candlelight.

Emília: Mika, dinner was delicious. Since you make dinner, I'll take care of the dishes.

Emília got up and Mika got up and grabbed Emília's wrist.

Mika: Wait. Forget the dishes. I have other plans.

Mika went to his speakers, switched on his cell phone and put Adele's song One and Only.

Emília: Owww! I love Adele.

Mika: I know. Come Dance With Me.

Mika grabbed Emília's hand and pulled her to the center of the room. Eília clung to Mika's neck and he grabbed her waist and began to take small steps and walk in a circle.

Emília: Mika, I already said yes. You do not need to be nervous.

Mika: Why do you say I am?

Emília: I hear your heart beating very fast.

Emília had her ear pressed against Mika's chest so it was not hard to hear.

Mika: Give me a break. I still can not believe you're my wife. I thought the best Christmas ever was when I received Mel but nothing is going to beat this Christmas Day.

Emília: Do you know how could be really perfect?

Mika: How?

Emília: If only we could stay like this all night.

Mika: Dancing?

Emília: Dancing to the sound of Adele.

Mika: We can stay here as long as you want, my love.

And so it was. They still spent half an hour dancing in the middle of the room. After that they both packed the dinner things and then went to bed. They had family calls but just answered everyone with messages saying they were okay.

Early in the morning, Emília began to feel bad. She sat up in bed carefully not to wake Mika but did not feel better. She got up and went to the bathroom. She wet her face and took a deep breath but nothing seemed to help. She ended up having to go to the toilet and vomit dinner.

Mika woke up between his dreams with the lack of a body over him. He looked at the bathroom and saw the light on.

Mika: Emília?!

Mika got up quickly and went to see what was happening. When he opened the door he saw Emília sitting on the floor next to the toilet with her hair tied and looked like she had been crying.

Mika: (runs to Emília) Emília ?! What's up?!

Emília: I vomited.

Mika: (sits next to Emília) Are you okay?

Emília: I feel better already.

Mika: So why are you sitting here? Do you want me to call a doctor?

Emília: No, it's not necessary.

Mika: What's going on?

Emília: Mika, I have not told you this yet ... My period should have come in three days. It's late.

Mika: What do you mean?

Emília: I can not guarantee you but ... It is possible that I am pregnant.

Mika: (stands up quickly) We have to know!

Emília: What's the plan?

Mika: I'll buy a test.

Emília: (stands up) Mika, no! It's already morning! Nobody knows we're here! You can not be seen buying a pregnancy test!

Mika: But we need the test! We have to be sure! The only way was to tell everything to someone and that person brings the test. But who?

Emília: Mika, do you know if Fedez is here?

Mika smiled. Fedez was the ideal person to help them.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now