Keeping a low profile

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The next morning Mika woke up and to his amazement Emília was not lying on top of him. He rubbed his eyes and sat on the bed. He heard giggles coming from another part of the house and decided that it was better to get up because Emília should not return. He arrived in the kitchen and saw Emília and her friends scattered around the kitchen with mugs, bread and fruit in hand.

Mika: Good morning.

All: Good morning.

Emília was sitting at the small kitchen table. Mika approached her from behind and kissed her head. All of Mika's movements were followed by the eyes of Emília's friends. Emília noticed how suddenly they had stopped everything they were doing and had just stared at Mika. Emília turned her head and as soon as she saw Mika noticed the fallen chins of her friends. He was as he had slept. No sweater. He started to ask where thing were for him to be able to prepare his breakfast and they stopped to look at him. Because he did not know what to do and they were not being a good help, Emília got up and put her dishes in the machine.

Emília: What about a fruit smoothie? You want me to make one for you?

Mika: If you did not mind I'd like it.

Mika sat at the table and Emília began to cut fruit.

Bianca: Did you get out of bed earlier with this man by your side ?!

Emília: Stop it! He starts asking me what you're saying!

Bianca: (with irony) But what a big problem. Mika, we were here commenting on how Emília is lucky to have you as a boyfriend.

Emília rolled her eyes and Mika lowered his face with an embarrassed smile.

Cátia: Basically she's saying that you're hot.

Emília: Cátia !!

They all started laughing.

Mika: What?

Cátia: You see! He did not even understood!

As they were laughing Mika also ended up smiling.

After eating they were enjoying the good weather to take a tour. They stopped in a square with an esplanade to eat an ice cream. They were all talking and laughing except Júlia who was looking around without moving her head, just the eyes. It seemed she was afraid someone would come.

Emília: Júlia, is everything okay? Are you waiting to see somebody?

Júlia: No, it's just that ... I do not know if you've noticed, but everyone is looking here.

Mika: What's going on?

Emília: Júlia is very shy and is not feeling well with so many eyes on her.

Mika: Oh, sorry. We're used to it, but I know how hard this is when we're shy. Do you want to go somewhere else?

Júlia: No! We will not do this just because of me!

Mika: I do not want anyone to feel bad because of me.

Anabela: I did not want to disappoint you, but not all eyes are because of you. Before we were here, we already suffered because of Emília.

Cátia: And now a pair of those eyes are approaching.

Everyone followed Catia's gaze and saw a man walking a dog toward them. Emília looked desperate.

Mika: Who is he?

Emília was no longer in time to respond because the man came to them first.

- Good afternoon girls.

All: Good afternoon.

Emília: I did not know you were here, Diogo.

Diogo: I'm also very surprised to see you. I heard you worked with a British singer and was touring with him.

Emília: That's true. (points to Mika) This is Mika, the British singer, Mika, this is Diogo, an ex-boyfriend of mine.

Diogo: (Holds a hand to Mika) Hello, how are you?

Mika was a little apprehensive but finally shook Diogo's hand.

Mika: (comes up to Bianca and whispers) Translate me everything he says.

Emília: (points the dog) Is this still Buddy?

Diogo: Yeah.

Emília: That means he already has some ...

Diogo: 9 years old.

Emília: Wow.

Diogo: He had puppies.

Emília: Really ?!

Diogo: Yes, they are home. Would you like to see them? If you want, we can set a time for you to go there and see them.

Emília: I ... I'll be in Portugal for a little while.

Diogo: But can not you find some time for me?

Emília: Diogo ...

Mika: She does not want to make time for you.

Diogo: Excuse me?

Mika: You're excused. You can go.

Diogo: Emília, why is your boss getting into your life?

Emília: He's my friend and he's right. You'd better go.

Diogo: Emília, I know I was an asshole but I changed. Look at Buddy's happiness for seeing you. He misses you ... and so do I.

Mika got up and Diogo took a step back as he saw Mika's height. Emília also had to get up. She stood between them and put her hand on Mika's chest.

Emília: Mika, sit down. Diogo, why do not you try this conversation with another woman who does not know you yet?

Diogo left, and Emília took a deep breath of relief.

Emília: Mika, are you crazy ?! You have to stay calm!

Mika: How do you want me to stay calm when my girlfriend is being harassed by an ex-boyfriend?!

Emília: I understand but to the world you are gay! Let's try that satys like that for a while, okay?

Mika: I'm sorry. You're right. I have to control myself.

Emília: Good. Plus this is the least of what we're going to have to put up with.

Mika: That's right. I think it will be harder than I thought. Believe me, if you had not calmed me down and if he had insisted I would root him out.

Emília: And as much as I even liked to see Diogo in pieces, I do not think it would be a good thing for your reputation appearing in the cover of a magazine.

Mika: My reputation is on the line anyway and at least I had the satisfaction of breaking the face of that guy.

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