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Finally, the last day of autographs at the Theatero Alla Scala. Another place that looked like something from a Disney movie. Mika was especially enthusiastic about this one. Maybe for being the last. Maybe because it's in a theater, something he knows well. If he was already enthusiastic, a piano left on stage, it did not help him to calm down.

Emília: M, are you sure you can touch that?

Mika: (already seated at the piano) Of course I can!

Mika began to play random notes. Suddenly, he opened his eyes as if he'd just had an idea and started playing more dramatic notes. Emília approached and seemed to recognize those notes from somewhere, until she had an epiphany. It was the Phantom of the Opera! At the realization she gave a small chuckle and Mika looked at her with a serious and dramatic face as if he was inside the opera. Emília laughed with his effort to remain serious.

Mika: (between the last notes and with a dramatic expression) "The one who never loved, in fact, is dead."

Emília: (laughs) How deep. I'm emocioal. (Pretend to wipe away a tear) I suppose that is from the Phantom of the Opera.

Mika: Of course it is!

Emília: I'm sorry but I've never seen the Phantom of the Opera.

Mika: (opens his mouth in shock) What ?!

Emíia: That's true. I know the song but I've never seen the movie.

Mika: That can not be! We must  see this movie! Evverybody that works with me must see the Phantom of the Opera!

Emília: It's no big deal!

Mika: It's no big deal?! Or you see the movie with me or you're fired!

(Emília laughs and Mika laughs as well)

Mika: I'm laughing ... but I'm serious.

Emília: Okay! It's a deal Boss.

Lola: Bonjour, ma chère.* But is it possible that you are already at the piano?!

*Good afternoon my dears.

Mika: Bonjour Lola. I missed you, too.

Lola: Get out of here and sit here in front of the stage I shared the information now.

Mika obeyed Lola's orders as she grabbed Emília's arm and headed out of the theater.

Mika: Hey! Where are you girls going ?!

Lola: (turning back) We're going to open the doors.

Mika: And leave me here alone ?!

Lola: Do not tell me you need help getting eaten alive.

Emília and Lola laughed. Mika did not find funny and made a frightened face.

Emília: We're going to realese the bulls.

Mika: Lola! Do not leave me here alone!

They could only laugh and turned their back toward the door while Mika tried to laugh at the situation and continued to call their names in the hope that, at least, one would come back. As they left the door of the theater, they saw a crowd of girls leaning against the glass, waiting for them to open the door.

Emília: My God! Now I feel bad!They are many ... (smiles) "bulls".


Lola: There's security guards behind him! He did not see them!

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