I'm alone

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The next day Mika woke up with the light coming in through the window that along with the headaches made his eyes roll. He looked at hisself and saw that he was wearing the clothes from the previous day. Then he realized the reason for the headaches. He suddenly remembered the X Factor auditions and tried to get up but the movement was too fast and his head hurt. At that moment Emília came with a tray. As soon as she saw Mika holding his head, she set the tray on the bed.

Emília: Mika, lie down. Here's the breakfast.

Mika: (goes back to bed) Ssshhh! Why are you screaming?

Emília: I'm not screaming.

Mika: What happened? Looks like a truck pass over my head.

Emília: That was almost it. Here. (passes him the tray) Eat this and take that pill. (points the pill near the glass of water)

Mika: What does it do?

Emília: Gets you unconscious so I can kidnap you ... It's for the headaches, of course you dumby.

Mika: (takes the pill and starts to eat) I have to go to the show!

Emília: I talked to them. I told them that you were not feeling very well and they started without you. But yes, you have to go.

Mika: How did you talk to them?

Emília: I have Fedez number.

Mika: How do you...

Emília: After all, what gave you yesterday to drink like that ?!

Mika: (looks away from food) Nothing.

Emília: Mika. Look at me.

Mika had some difficulty in making eye contact with Emília but eventually did so and she ran her hand through his hair.

Emília: What's going on inside this disheveled head? Were you even with a friend?

Mika: I've been for a while. Then he had to go to his wife. So I was alone and I thought about it.

Emília: About that?

Mika: I'm alone.

Emília: What ?!

Mika: I'm 32 years old and I have nobody.

Emília: Thank you for that.

Mika: You are understanding. Besides, you're only here because Fedez has not yet invited you out.

Emília: (smiles) Sure! (squeezes Mika's shoulder) Do not be silly. Do not forget why I broke up with Romeu. You're being very unfair.

Mika: (tooks the tray aside) Sorry. (Emília embraces) I just do not want you to leave me.

Emília: I'll never leave you. (away from Mika) Besides, you're beautiful, interesting, fun, talented and, above all, you have me. All of this helps to get you a spectacular man. You just need to go to the right places.

Mika: Speaking of the right places. They're going to record a Hollywood movie here and they invited me to show up.

Emília: Wow!

Mika: Not really. I'm just gonna show up for a few seconds to greet some people.

Emília: Better than nothing. But look! The Penniman boy does not have some talents or lack of them to evaluate?

A few minutes later they were already in the X Factor auditions. Who also appeared there relatively early was Lola.

Emília: Lola? Already here?

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