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That night Emília moved her things to Mika's room because he insisted that he did not mind if she stayed there full time.

The next day they went to rehearsal and Emília was dancing with Mika to the sound of Touches You when while she was walking back she crushed to someone.

Emília: Sorry!

When Emília turned, she saw Romeo smiling, which made her blush with embarrassment.

Romeo: It's ok.

Emília: What are...? Are you here?

Romeu: Mika invited me to come to the rehearsal.

Emília looked at Mika and he was grinning at her. She realized what his idea was.

Romeo: Looks like you did not feel very happy about it.

Emília: That's not it! It's just that I'm going to have to behave now.

Romeo: For me you can be yourself. I was enjoying watching you dance. I mean ... it was fun.

Emília blushed and smiled. He was really nice because there was no doubt that she was a bad dancer. She went back to Mika's side.

Emília: (whispers) Idiot.

Mika: (whispers) You can thank me later.

Mika continued to play but this time Emília did not leave the piano to avoid embarrassment.

Mika: Well, it's all for today guys. You can go enjoy the city.

Romeo: Mika, (shakes Mika's hand) thank you very much for the invitation. I Really enjoyed it.

Mika: Come on. A friend of Guido's is my friend.

Romeo: Have you ever been to the Guggenheim Museum? On the outside is fun to watch.

Mika: I already saw it but I bet Emília did not.

Emília: I have to admit i didn't.

Romeo: I'm free. If you're too, we can both go there. It's not far from here.

Emília: I ... I'm not busy ...

Romeo: So let's go.

Emília: Well ... I can not refuse your invitation, can i?

Romeo: Exactly.

Emília: Mika, do you stay okay?

Mika: Of course! Go!

Emília: If you need anything, say it.

Mika nodded and hugged Emília. Then he almost pushed her out the door and waved to make sure she was going.

Romeo: You guys get along really well do not you?

Emília: Me and Mika? Yes. He's my best friend. Is it so visible?

Romeo: (smiles) Yes. Look, this is the Bilbao river or La Nervión.

Emília: I think I'm going to stay for Bilbao river. I give up the other name.

Romeo: (laughs) But Portuguese is very similar.

Emília: Even so, I will not risk it. I've never been very good at my "Spanish".

Romeo: The museum is there. (Points)

He was right when he said it was nice to be seen from the outside. It was very unusual. Silver, full of curves and very large. It looked like a flower.

Romeo: Let's go there. There's some fun stuff out there.

They went to the museum and next to him they saw what looked like a cat or a giant dog all made of flowers. They went to him to Emília to take some photos.

Romeo: Cool, is not it?

Emília: Very. I just hope that whoever did it does not suffer from allergies because, if not, today they should still be sneezing.

Romeu laughed and Emília wondered why he was laughing so hard. She did not think it was that funny. Was it? Or was he laughing for sympathy?

Emília: Are you from here?

Romeo: I often say that I was born here but I am from the world. The truth is that I am always one side to the other so sometimes I feel myself a tourist in my own city. You must understand that, too.

Emília: Kind of. I just started now in these lives. But I see that in Mika.

Romeu: Where are you going after Bilbao?

Emília: Rio de Janeiro.

Romeo: Do ​​not tell me ?! Seriously?!

Emília: Yes.

Romeo: I'm going there, too!

Emília: When?

Romeo: Three days from now.

Emília: We're going in two. After the concert.

Romeo: We can meet there.

Emília: Of course.

Romeo: There's one more thing to see.

They bridged the gap to a statue of a giant spider. As she passed the bridge, Emília noticed how the city was alive. In the same bridge passed families, from children to old people, bicycles, skates, everything was enjoying the good weather that was felt.

They went under the spider's body as they talked about how an animal that scares so many people can give such a funny work of art when a bicycle passed so close to Emília's back that Romeo was just in time to pull her hard and Shout "careful". Emília ended up leaning against Romeo's chest that was hugging her. When she stepped back a little, she saw how Romeo's eyes were black. So dark that the pupil could not be distinguished. She was so focused on appreciating Romeo's eyes that it took her a long time to realize that she was still clinging to him in what seemed like an eternity.

Emília: (softly) Sorry.

Emília drew back and Romeo finally pulled her arms back from her.

Romeo: Don't worry. Are you fine?

Emília could only nod, for she was too embarrassed to say anything.

Romeo: What's going on?

Emília: I'd better get back. Mika might be needing me. Sorry, but I have to work.

Romeo: I'll take you there.


Hi everybody! I went to Bilbao once and it's cool :D

And looks like someone is in love ;)

Thank you for reading.

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