Mr. Alfredo

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Paula was the first to have the courage to ask what had happened between Emília and Mika to start dating, and Emília responded with sincerity. Alfredo had been with a bad face all the time and it seemed that he did not have listen to Emília.

Emília: ... and we believe it will not be easy but we will overcome everything and it will work.

Alfredo: You really believe that ?!

Paula: Alfredo.

Emília: I do believe.

Alfredo: Do ​​not defend her Paula! Did not you want grandchildren ?! You think it's with a man who decided to pretend he's not gay ?!

Emília: He's not gay!

Alfredo: Your mother said that you were wasting time with this man when you were still just called friends. She was right.

Emília: I came here to introduce you to my boyfriend. I did not come to ask you anything.

Mika: Mr. Alfredo ... I do not want to be rude but I've only heard and I still did not say anything. Mainly because I did not understand most of what you said. Listen, I understand that this is too much for you and for everyone here. But if for you it is difficult, imagine for your daughter ... and for me. Just as you think this is all a big invention many people around the world will think the same and your daughter will need support. I will support her but nothing will replace the support as a parent. Besides ... (swallows) I'm scared, too. I've never dated a woman. We're not talking about a woman any more, but the most fantastic woman I've ever met. (looks at Emília and smiles and she smiles at him) What I want to say is that I can not tell you that things will all go very well. It would be unrealistic of me. What I can assure you is that me, being a public figure,I would not submit myself to such a confusion if I did not love Emília so much. And I'll do anything to get her out of this as less hurt as possible. Even if I have to hurt myself to protect her.

There was a silence in the room. The truth is, no one knew how to continue such words.

Mika: (turns to face Emília and speaks softly) I love you.

Emília: (puts her hand over her eyes to keep the tears from falling and speaks softly) I love you too.

Emília and Mika stared at each other smiling and Emília bent to kiss Mika but someone cleared their throat and made her retreat. Emília looked at her father and did not see the stern look he had before. Now she saw the worried look, the look of a father. He got up without saying anything and went to the kitchen. At the table, everyone continued to talk and tried not to talk only about Emília and Mika. Some time later Alfredo came back, sat down again in silence and almost smiled at Emília. At least it seemed to her to see a "half-smile."

Paula: Mika, I have not even asked you where you're staying. You can stay here if you want. Right Alfredo?

Alfredo: You can.

Mika: Well ...

Emília: He already has where to stay and now he can not cancel.

Mika: Yeah ... I got.

Paula: Okay, but for the next time you can stay here.

Mika: I'll take your invitation into account. Thank you.

It started to be late and Emília, her friends and Mika left the house of Paula and Alfredo.

Bianca: Emília, do you want someone to go with you to take Mika so you do not come back alone or (smile) do not you want to come back?

Emília: I do not mean to go anywhere. Mika's staying at our house. I did not say anything to my parents to not make a war. This is ... if you do not mind.

Anabela: (raises an eyebrow) Do you think we mind?!

Emília: So let's go.

(In Emília's house)

Emília: Welcome. Come on, I'll show you the bedroom.

Bianca: Hey!Go's straight to the point!

Emília: Shut up!

Emília took Mika to her room so he could put things down and closed the door behind her. Mika looked around the room. It was simple enough. Almost like a hotel room of the many he had ever seen. He did not have many things because Emília spent a little time there. The wall had only one painting. A frame to be more accurate. When he looked closely he saw that it was a photograph of them both. Emília noticed Mika staring at the photograph.

Emília: I put it there so I do not miss you during vacation time.

Mika: You'll never miss me again. You'll get tired of me, because I'm going to be boring.

Mika began to walk slowly toward Emília until he grabbed her by the waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Emília: That's fine with me.

Mika smiled and kissed Emília. She grabbed Mika by the clothes so as to be as close to him as possible and intensified the kiss. Mika wanted to get away from Emília but otherwise did not want to stop kissing her. Finally had the courage to break the kiss.

Mika: Hm, we better stop.

Emília: Too quickly?

Mika nodded and a little embarrassed.

Emília: Sorry, it's just ... you've been in love with me for a month, but I've been since I met you.

Mika: I'm sorry.

Emília: No! Do not be sorry! I'll give you the time you need. Besides, after everything you said to my father, your wishes are orders.

Mika: Do you think it helped?

Emília: I think it made all the difference.

Mika: I sure hope so, because I struggled a lot. I'm terrible at talking about my feelings.

Emília: Otherwise you're great at singing them.

Mika: Is that better?

Emília: Of course! It is much more attractive.

Emília blinked and Mika rolled his eyes.

Mika: Let's get out of here.

They went back to the room where Emília's friends were all seated. They looked at them as they arrived in a way that seemed to be waiting for them.

Bianca: Emília! Poor man! That was very fast!

Mika: What did she say?

Emília: Nothing tha matters. In fact, I think that's what I'm going to answer whenever you ask me that about them.


A/N: Emilia took Mika there thinking that was the best thing to do but she did not remember that she will have to deal with their friends getting into her life. Vote and comment. Thanks.

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