How was the night?

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Emília and Romeu were walking along the beach of Rio de Janeiro and, like them, many couples were enjoying the moon in the same way. Suddenly a girl approached them and asked if she was Emília.

Emília: Yes, I am. And you must be a fan of Mika.

She shook her head.

Emília: What's your name?

- Flor.

Emília: Are you Brazilian?

Flor: No, I'm from Argentina but I came to the concert.

Emília: On purpose ?!

Flor: I have family here and as Mika will not stop in my country I came here.

Emília: Do you want anything?

Flor nodded and picked up the cell phone showing the open camera. Emília smiled and approached her to take a selfie.

Flor: Thank you.

Emília: Thank you and have a good concert.

Romeu was a bit shocked by what had happened. First he did not think she already had fans who asked for photos, and second, her natural way of dealing with the fans was disconcerting.

Emília: What is it?

Romeu: Nothing. I'm seeing how famous you are.

Emília: I'm not.

Romeu: You even have pool parties and everything.

Emília: Romeu! Forget it!

Romeu: I forgot.

Romeu grabbed Emília's face and kissed her but she barely reacted.

Romeu: Emília, what was that kiss?

Emília: I'm sorry. I'm thinking of something else.

Romeu: Does this thing start with an "M", ends in "a" and has "ik" in the middle?

Emília: Yes. I'm sorry but he's alone with the ... forget it.

Romeu: I can not believe I'm going to say this but ... do you want to go back?

Emília: I do not know. I'm afraid to interrupt something. If he needed me, he'd already said, right?

Romeu: But you want to go back.

Emília: Yes ... I'm sorry, Romeu. I loved our tour. Tomorrow I'm going to record in the street and then we can be together. (grabs Romau's neck) Are you upset?

Romeu: No, I'm not. I just wish I had more time with you.

Emília: I'll make it up to you tomorrow. (Smile)

Romeu: (grabs Emília by the waist) Promise? Just the two of us without interruptions?

Emília: I promise.

They kissed and after parting, Romeu grabbed Emília's hand and led her to the hotel. At the door he kissed her good-bye again and Emília went upstairs to the bedroom. As soon as she reached the bedroom door, she wondered whether to open the door or not. She knew nothing of what had happened. Mika could have been on the couch alone and depressed if it'd gone wrong or could not even be there and be in Richard's room if it'd been well. She wondered if it would be better to send him a message saying she was coming, but she did not. Instead she put her hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. As she looked into the room she saw that she was wrong. Mika was not depressed nor was he in Richard's four. They were both on the couch. Relax! They were sleeping! They were lying on the couch and Mika was on top of Richard. The two of them in a deep sleep that was not able to break neither with Emília who was taking off theis shoes and cover them with a blanket. Then she put her hand in their hairs as she kissed their foreheads and went to bed.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now