Golden Globes

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The Golden Globes came and Lola agreed to help Emília  getting ready. When Lola reached Emília and Mika's room, she saw only Mika already clutching the buttons of his shirt.

Mika: Glad you arrived because I'm desperate.

Lola: Where is she?

Mika: In the bathroom. Watch out! I think she's gone crazy for good.

Lola frowned and went to the bathroom and Emília was already dressed barefoot in front of the mirror with a look of despair.

Emília: Finally!

Lola: Calm down Emília! It's still early! What have you done?

Emília: What do you see? I got dressed.

Lola: And the shoes?

Emília: I have shoes but I hate high heels.

Lola: You're kidding, right?

Emília: No.

Lola: (puts her hands to her forehead) Okay. (Deep breaths) Let's take care of the make-up and then we'll see the shoes.

Lola applied some make-up products in Emília, nothing too heavy because she would not look good and Emília would never allow it. At last Emília looked at the mirror and approved.

Emília: And the hair?

Lola: Do not do anything to the hair. You look better this way.

Emília: Okay. So ... the shoes are missing.

They left the bathroom and Mika, who was waiting for them on the couch, got up.

Mika: So? Are we ready?

Emília stretched her leg forward so Mika could see her bare foot.

Mika: Where are the shoes?

Emília: In their place.

Lola: Your dear girlfriend does not like wearing high heels and I do not see a solution.

Mika: (smiles) Yeah i have a solution! I remembered this detail before we came! Come with me.

Mika went to one of his suitcases and started to take shoes off.

Mika went to one of his suitcases and started to take shoes off

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Lola: What are you doing?

Mika: These shoes will not fit me. Emília can use them.

Emília smiled and Lola opened her mouth in shock.

Lola: What?! Is this a joke?

Mika: (laughs) No. There are even blues here that look good on her suit.

Emília: They are beautiful.

Lola: I do not know if I should laugh or cry with this.

Mika: If she does not like to walk in high heels she does not have to use them.

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