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At the end of the meal Emília insisted on taking things inside. Zuleika said that she would help her but she did not accept it. Emília took some plates to the kitchen and laid her hands on the counter. She took a deep breath and lowered her head in the hope that Yasmine would come out of her head. Although this time Emília had responded like she deserved it, Yasmine had a great ability to control her thinking and she could not allow such a thing.

Suddenly she heard the kitchen door open and she heard dishes.

Emília: I already said that I did not need help.

Emília turned and was very surprised to see that it was Joannine who carried the dishes. She hoped it was Zuleika.

Emília: Joannine, it was not necessary.

Emília took the plates from Joannine's hands and set them on the counter.

Joannine: Emília, my dear, I'm sorry for Yasmine's behavior.

Emília: What? You do not have to apologize for anything! Yasmine is an adult woman and responsible for her actions.

Joannine: I know but I do not like her attitude and I've told her many times. I do not know what's wrong with her. She was never like this to anyone.

Emília: For anyone? Not even an ex-boyfriend of Mika?

Joannine: Never!

Emília: Do not worry. What she says goes into one ear and gets out from the other.

It was completely a lie and by the way Joannine came up with a sad smile and ran a hand on her shoulder showing that she knew it was a lie.

Joannine: Emília, this is Mika's house. After Mika is mine. Yasmine comes at the bottom of the list. What I mean is that if you want to stay here you have every right to do so. It's obvious that Mika liked you to stay.

Emília: Thank you but ... I'd better not. I do not want to cause wars between your family.

Joannine: Emília ... You are part of this family.

Emília: (smiles) Me and Mika ... We aren't dating for so long yet.

Joannine: (puts her hand on Emília's cheek) You were family before you dated Mika. Although the truth is I do not know if you've ever not been dating at al.

Emília: (laughs) I can see that Mika and I are not alone in thinking that way.

Joannine: You are not. I have no doubt whatsoever of what you feel for each other. So if you want to stay you have every right to stay here and she has nothing to do with it.

Emília: Thank you but ... anyway ... I'll stay at my place for the night.

Joannine: Your decision.

Emília: Thank you.

Joannine: Oh my dear! (Opens her arms) Come here and give me a hug.

Emília smiled and eventually embraced Joannine as if embracing a mother. At that moment someone opened the door. They moved away to see that Mika had entered.

Mika: Is everything okay in here?

Joannine: It's all good.

Emília: Yes, we were just talking.

Joannine: (heading for the door) Well, I'll help you sort things out so we can dispatch this.

Emília: But ... Let it be! I will do that!

Emília said it, but she continued and left the kitchen as if she had not heard anything.

Mika: Forget it. You will not stop her. (grabs Emília's waist) Is everything okay?

Emília: (smiles) Yes.

Mika bent to kiss Emília but she turned her face away.

Emília: Mika, your mom is coming in at any moment.

Mika: (laughs) What a scandal.

He tried to kiss her again, but Emília saw the door open and escaped from Mika's arms.

After all, Emília said good-bye and went to her house. When she arrived she had to call Mika. Although their houses were not that far from each other he insisted that she call.

Emília: I've arrived. Are you more calm?

Mika: No. I would be if you were here.

Emília: Mika, love, do not complicate things. Let's take it easy, okay?

Mika: I know. Are you sure you want to do that interview?

Emília: Of course! I told your sister and now I tell you. I do not want to know what they say about us. I love you.

Mika: I love you, too. Sleep well Em.

Emília: Sleep well M. (turns off the call)

Emília spent the next few days with Mika or at his house or at work but always spent the nights at her house despite almost every day reminding her that she could stay at his home.

The day came when Emília and Mika were going to do an interview for a magazine. To complement the interview they were going to do a photoshoot. To add to the excitement of the first photoshoot together was also the day the music video "Oh Girl You're The Devil" came out. Briefly, Emília was full of nerves and above all very anxious.

By the time they got to the studio, there was the photographer and the journalist who was giving the indications of the kind of photographs he wanted.

Journalist: Good afternoon, welcome.

Mika: Thank you.

Journalist: Thank you for accepting and for bringing Emília.

Emília: No problem.

Journalist: Well, let's start with the photos? This is Adam. He's the photographer in our magazine. This is very simple. I just want them to come to the front of this fund and to be natural.

As Mika felt Emília's nerves pulled her to him and tickled her. Emília began to laugh and squirm. At that moment, they saw some flashes.

Adam: Good, you can continue with those jokes. It did very well.

From there Emília became more confident. They took pictures with Emília on Mika's back, pushing each other, running after each other, leaning against each other with a serious look at the camera, Mika kneeling at Emília's feet ... Emília's favorites were when she was destroying Mika's hair and bending his tie, destroying his entire classy look.

After a very entertaining time at the photo shoot, it was time for the interview and they went to an office with the journalist.


A/N: Sorry for the long update but school takes all my time

Hope you still here :)

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