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The next morning Emília woke up with someone knocking on the door of her hotel room. The strangest thing was that it was not the typical "knock." It looked like something scratching at the door. She got up a little confused and went to the door.

Emília: Who is it ?!

No one answered what made her even more frightened. She grabbed the doorknob and turned it slowly. She opened the door a little and peered into the narrow space. When she looked saw a Golden Retriever dog sitting at her door.

Emília: (opening the door ) Hello. What are you doing here? (gets low) How did you come here?

Emília stretched out her arm to pet the dog, but when she was almost touching him he barked what made her retreat with fright.

You can pet her! She is friendly!

Emília turned her head to see where the voice had come from and saw Mika approaching.

Emília: Is he yours?

Mika: Yes, SHE's mine.

Emília: Sorry.

Mika: I got distracted a little and she came to here.

Emília: Do you want to come in?

Mika: Ok.

(Enters the room)

Emília: I'm still in my pajamas.

Mika: (ironically) What a scandal!

Emília: (smiles) I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want something?

Mika: No thanks, but I sit here with you. Mel! You stay here!

Emília: What's her name ?!

Mika: Melachi. But I usually call her Mel.

Emília: Very nice name.

Emília sat down at the table with milk and coffee and a box of cookies.

Emília: (takes a cookie) Take one.

Mika pulled out a cookie.

Emília: Can I give Mel a cookie?

Mika: You should not. She is greedy.

Emília: Okay. (takes a bite in the cookie) Mika, can you go there and get me a napkin, please?

Mika nodded and got up. As soon as he turned his back, Emília gave the rest of her cookie to Mel. Mika came back with the napkin.

Emília: Thank you.

Mika: What did you do?

Emília: Me ?! Nothing!

Mika: This time I'll pretend to believe it.

Emília smiled and after eating, Mika left so she could dress. She left the room and Mika and Mel were waiting for her.

Next stop: Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II. One more place that seemed to have come from a fairy tale.

This time they did not have much time to enjoy the space because Lola shared the information barely they got there. Again, out of nowhere, a group of fans filled that place and once again it was seen that it would be delayed.

Lola: Emília, if you want to go check the place you can go. I would go with you but I can not leave. You can always take Mel!

Emília laughed but after thinking about it, it was not a bad idea. Mel was lying at Mika's feet, and Emília started calling for her. She got up and came to Emília at a leisurely pace. Mika was so focused on talking to the fans that did not even notice Mel was gone.

Emília: (running a hand on Mel's muzzle) Let's take a walk?

Emília started to walk and Mel walked beside her. She was a very obedient dog.

Emília: You're a very well-behaved dog, aren't you? I have an idea.

Emília went into one of the cafes and bought a croissant. She sat down at the esplanade table and Mel sat down in a chair beside her.

Emília: Here. (Gives her a bit of the cake) You really look like a person.

Mel devoured the little piece of croissant and sat watching Emília with her bright brown eyes.

Emília: I'll bet nobody knows Mika like you. I wish you could talk and tell me more about him. You could tell me if he's really gay or if he's bisexual. But the answer to that is obvious, isn't it?

Mel looked at Emília with a lot of attention.

Emília: (pets Mel) I can not change that in him. The only person who can change is me. Besides, I do not want to lose his friendship. He is the person who doessn't makes me homesick. Therefore, it is best to put these feelings behind and replace them with the friendship that is growing stronger. It will not be easy. But I feel like everything's going to be all right. Can you help me?

Mel barked as if to answer the question which made Emília retreat a little with astonishment.

Emília: (whispers) Do you understand me ?! If so, do not tell him anything!

-You're done!

Emília turned back in a leap and saw Mika's face only a few millimeters from her.

Mika: She tells me everything!

Emília: You've been here a long time ?!

Mika: Why? Did you say evil things of me?

Emília: (smiles) Obviously.

Mika: (grabs Mel) What did she tell you ?!

Mel, once again, barked as if in response.

Emília: It really seems that she answers us. She's a good dog.

Mika: Absolutely. She has a doctorate in psychology.

Emília: It seems like it does.

Mika: Now you know. When you need therapy, let me know.


Have you ever went to Milan? Searching this place to write this really made me want to go there? Anyone else?

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