Lies and lies

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The next morning Emília woke up with someone shaking her. When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was Lola.

Lola: Emília, it's almost midday.

Emília: (gets up hurriedly) What ?! Why did not you wake me early ?!

Lola: Yesterday you arrived late so I let you sleep. How was last night?

Emília: What I do know is that Richard introduced Mika as a friend to his father and Mika freak out. I just told him to talk to Richard and tell him that he did not accept that attitude and that he had hurt him. Besides, I do not know more because I went with Romeu ... Wait ... It was about me and Romeu you were asking, was not it?

Lola: (puts her hand on Emília's shoulder) It was. But that story was interesting as well. By the way, I have the second part. As I realized that the reason for his bad mood had to be Richard I had dinner with the band and told them to dine alone here.

Emília: And how did it go?

Lola: That chapter you have to ask Mika because I can not tell you.

Emília: When I arrived I did not see or hear anyone.

Lola: I was down there and I saw Mika but I did not see Richard. But now you can answer my question?

Emília: It went well.

Lola: It was very romantic of him to have come here.

Emília: Yes it was. And he did very well because I could not stand it without seeing him.

Lola: I wanted Pascal to show up, but in a few days I'm already in France and I'm going to have a lot of things to do for the wedding.

Emília: Do you know when it will be?

Lola: Maybe in a couple of months. (gets up) Well, let's eat.

Emília: And discover the next chapter of the "Michard" novels! Tan tan tan!

Lola laughed and grabbed Emília's arm to lead her out of the room.

Standing in the kitchen Mika was eating something.

Mika: Emília ?! Did you wake up from the coma ?!

Emília: Ah-ah. Very funny Mika. What are you doing?

Mika: Eating.

Emília: Is that your lunch?

Mika: Yes.

Emília: You have to eat more. It will not be just that! I'll make lunch.

Mika: No, Em. Let it be. I am not able to eat.

Lola: Where's Richard?

Mika: Having lunch with his father and being honest with him. I hope.

Emília: That's way you can not eat. You're worried.

Mika: Is not it natural?

Emília: Of course it is, but you have to feed yourself. Still more because he will tell the truth and then you will have to have the strength to hug him.

Mika: (smiles) How do you do that?

Emília: That what?

Mika: Make me smile at these times.

Emília: (shrugs) What can I do? It is a gift.

Mika finally agreed to eat something. He did not eat much, but at least he ate something other than a cookie. At the end of the meal a message arrived on Mika's cell phone.

"I've already talked to my father, I'm still in the restaurant with him and when I got out I'm gonna work out. Love you. - RIchard"

Mika put his cell phone back in his pocket and considered the message a bit. Had he told the father the truth himself? If he said and his father was cruel to him he did not look too shaken. If the father was not cruel it was to be expected that he would appear all happy, which also does not confirm. It was really very suspicious that he did not want to explain more about the situation and simply go work out. Mika got up and grabbed the jacket running.

Emília: M, where are you going?

Mika: Clarify some things.

Emília and Lola could not know anything else. He hurried out the door of the house. He got in the car and drove to the restaurant where Richard and his father were. Still from the car he saw the two leaving the restaurant. From the way they hugged each other, they did not seem at all upset. Mika let them follow each their way and only after that got out of the car and went to Carl.

Mika: Carl!

Carl: Mika? You're here?

(Shaking hands)

Mika: I'm sorry I'm bothering you but I've noticed something strange about Richard and since I knew he was going to talk to you I wanted to ask him if it everything was okay with him.

Carl: I think so. He looked good to me. I mean, within the expected. Richard looks like he's always in trouble but I think it's his head. Do not worry.

Mika: So ... did not he tell you anything?

Carl: No.

Mika: So ... Well ... At the level of love relationships. You think he's okay?

Carl: I asked him if everything was fine between him and Anne and he said yes, so I think it's okay.

Mika dropped his chin and for seconds could not say anything. It's not that he did not want to but the words do not appeared. He had questions but he was afraid of the answers.

Mika: Sorry, but ... Anne? Who is Anne?

Carl: Do not tell me he never told you about his girlfriend? He was always shy but I thought he would tell to you.

Mika: I have no idea who she is.

Carl: Look, I can not tell you much. It does not tell me much. All I know is that she's a very pretty dancer and I've seen pictures of her. But I can not tell you any more.

Mika: Thank you. I gotta go.

Mika almost ran to the car. As he sat down in the driver's seat, he put his arms on the wheel and propped his head on his arms. He wanted to cry so badly. However, he could not do it there because journalists could come and invent a million stories with a photo of that moment. He lifted his body, took a deep breath, and started the engine.

Emília was sitting on the couch with Lola when her cell phone rang.

Emília: (picks up the cell phone and looks at Lola) It's Mika.

Lola: Answer it!

Emília: (answers the call) Hello ... Okay, we're going there now. Is everything okay? ... What do you mean? ... Take it easy because you're driving ... Okay, take a deep breath that we're already leaving. Go carefully ... Kisses. (hangs up and looks at Lola worried)

Lola: Mon Dieu Emília! What's up?

Emília: Richard lied in many more things and did not tell the truth to his father. Mika was super upset and says he's going to break him.

Lola: Where was he going?

Emília: Rehearsal.

Lola: What about Richard?

Emília: I think he was working out.

Lola: Ce ne sont pas bonnes*. (* This is not good at all)


A/N: What a scene, right? What do you think of this Anne? You think his father invented everything? You think Richard is pretending to be gay? I know this sounds very strange but everything will work out. Leave your comments and do not forget to vote.

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