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Mika: Well, now that this is all solved we have to rehearse and after that we all can go have dinner. What do you think?

Lola: Good ideia. And where do we go?

Guido: What do you want ot eat?

Mika: I want...

Guido: Anybody against pizza?

Mika: How did you know? You are becoming like Lola?

Guido: No. You are predictable.

Everybody agreed with pizza and Guido said that it would take them to La Taverna, a place with good pizzas.

Lola: While you rehearsel me and Emília will go prepar what is going to be shared on the social media.

The band went to rehearsel and Lola went to a room with Emília and a computer making images relative with the locals Mika would be. They thought would be a better idea shared the local were Mika would be just minutes before in a way of prevent the chaos.

Emília: I think I'm going to the food machine take something to eat. Do you want something?

Lola: No, merci.

Emília stood up and when she opened the door she saw Mika getting out of the studio and walking to the food machine too. They looked into each other eyes and noticing they were going to the same place they start running to see who arrived firts at the machine.

(Both holding on to the machine)

Emília: I got here first!

Mika: No! I think it is very obvious that i came first! But I'm a gentelman so i let you go first.

Emília: No, you can go first. I don't know what i whant.

Mika: Me either. I want something...

Emília: Sweet?

Mika: Yes.

Emília: Me too. (looks to the machine and points) Look! M&m's!

Mika: What?

Emília: "What" what?

Mika: Weren't you calling me? I am "M"! (winks)

Emília: And? I am "Em" too!

Mika: Yeah!

Emília: Well, i'm going to take the m&m's.

Mika: Me too.

Emília: But it only has one.

Mika: You can take it, it's okay. I'll take something else.

Emília: No, we can share.

Mika: Okay. But in that case, I pay, because they were supposed to be just for you.

Emília: Okay.

Mika took the m & m's and went to the rehearsal room with Emília. He sat down at the piano with the package of chocolates on top of it, and Emília stood beside him to reach the candy.

Mika: Em, can you could play like we did the other time but this time with the band?

Emília: The "Em" is me?

Mika: Of course.

Emília: I do not think that's a good idea, M.

Mika: Come on! It was so fun. Let's see how it sounds with the band. (poutries)

Emília: Don't make me that look... All right ... All right.

Lola: He really knows how to handle you.

They passed the guitar to Emília and did the same as when it was only she and Mika but this time Mika also played the piano and more people from the band played other instruments. As with the other time, it went very well and Emília received a lot of praise from the rest of the team which made her a little embarrassed. She did not know how to act with the compliments.

Mika: Em, can you do this?

Mika grabbed a m & m, threw it in the air, and caught it with his mouth.

Emília: Like Ellen?

Mika: Yeah.

Emília: I can not, and I do not want to try. I'm afraid of choking.

Mika: (stretches the candy package to Emília) Now try to shoot me.

Emília: (grabs m & m) Are you sure?

Mika nods and opens her mouth sat on the piano bench. Emília points the m & m, and after a little swing with her arm, she shoots it into Mika's forehead. Everyone laughed.

Mika: My mouth is not there!

Emília: (laughing) Sorry. I'll try again.

She makes one more attempt and this time hits the target which causes Mika to close the mouth and then to raise his arms in the air. While everyone applauded making a big party, Mika ran to Emília and grabbed her in the air.

Emília: Okay ... Calm down.

Guido: I don't know if you guys have seen the time but it's a good idea to walk to the restaurant.

Emília: My God! I haven't talked to my family yet or my friends. I'll have to call them while we go.

Mika: Then let's go.

The restaurant was not too far from the studio so they went walking. During the trip, Emília called her mother.

Emília: Estou... Está tudo bem. A viagem correu bem e agora estamos a ir jantar.

(*Hello ... I'm okay. The trip went well and now we are going to have dinner.)

Mika: (to Lola) I don't understand anything she's saying.

Lola: Something you know for sure because you know similar languages.

Emília: Chau ... Beijinhos. (*Bye... Kisses) (Turn off the call and notice everyone looking at her) Don't look yet, I'm not done. (Calls Bianca)Estou... Olá... Desculpa não ter ligado antes mas ainda mal parei... (*Hello ... Hi ... Sorry I didn't call you before but I have been busy...)

Mika: (to the cell phone) Hi!

Bianca: Quem é que falou? (* Who said that?)

Emília:Foi o Mika.(*It was Mika.)

Bianca: O Mika está aí?! (*Is Mika there ?!)

Emília: Sim, vamos jantar juntos a uma pizzaria.(*Yes, we are going to have dinner together at a pizzeria.)

Bianca:Tu e o Mika?! (* You and Mika ?!)

Emília: Não é nada disso!! O "vamos" era a equipa toda!! Fogo! Estás a tentar tramar-me! (*It's nothing like that !! The "we" was the whole team !! Hell! You're trying to trick me!)

Mika: (to the cell phone) Goodbye!

Emília: It's not a good time, Mika. Era só para saberem que está tudo bem... Manda bejinhos para elas... Chau... Beijos. (*It was just to let you know that everything is okay ... Send them kisses... Bye... Kisses.) (Turns off the call) You look like a teenager!

(A/N: Sorry guys, i have been too busy to translate this fanfiction. And sorry for my english.)

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