He is cute

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The night came and Emília and Mika went home. Mika started talking on the phone with Richard.

Mika: What do you mean they still have not arrived!? ... No, Richard, I do not know if they should have arrived or not but I'm worried ... Richard ...

Emília, tired of the uninteresting discussion, took the phone from Mika's hand.

Emília: Richard, send a message when they come in. Kisses. (ends the call) But what's your problem with Richard?

Mika: Me? None!

Emília: You are always creating war for everything and for nothing!

Mika: Friends get angry too. I think it's normal.

(They sit on the sofa)

Emília: You mean "friends". (makes a quotation markswith her hands)

Mika: Why the quotes?

Emilia: I do not know. (Mel appears) Mel knows him, right?

Mika: Of course.

Emília: And Mel treats him badly?

Mika: what kind of question is that?

Emília: Answer me!

Mika: No! I think they get along.

Emília: So what's stopping you from asking him out?

Mika: What ?!

Emília: Do not act like you do not want to.

Mika: I do not want to!

Emília: Why not?

Mika: It's Richard!

Emília: And then? He's a cool guy. (She touches the elbow on Mika's arm) And it's cute. (Blinks eye)

Mika: You think he's cute ?!

Emília: Do not you think so?

Mika: Yes, but ...

Emília: Not "but"! I got you!

Mika: That does not mean anything. I also think you're cute and did not invite you out.

Emilia: All right. But I'm not a man! In fact, I'm not Richard.

Mika: Em ... (message sound) Look, Richard just saw Lola and Pascal go into the bedroom. It makes me want to go there.

Emília: Do not try to change the subject.

Mika: Em, I'm not changing the subject. (gets up)

Emília: I think he likes you.

Mika turned abruptly to Emília, and despite trying to remain serious, she saw that he was happy with the information.

Mika: I ... I do not want to know that.

Emília: (gets up) You're so stubborn!

They went to put on their pajamas and watched some television. Who knew what it is that this room has that makes Emília fall asleep on the sofa. However, she did not wake up on the sofa but in a bed. She got up and went to the kitchen where she made something to eat and Mel appeared. She knew when there was food. And she knew who gave it to her. Emília broke a piece of cookie and gave it to the dog.

- Got you!

Emília jumped up and turned around, watching Mika enter the kitchen as he rubbed her eyes, shirtless.

Emília: Why are you like that?

Mika: Like what?

Emília: NAKED!

Mika: I'm not naked. I sleep like this. Does it bother you?

Emília: N-No.

Lies. The truth is that Emília was gradually ceasing to be attracted to Mika but it still wasn't easy to see him without a T-shirt. In fact, she continued to make her breakfast to see if he did not notice she was blushing a little.

Emília: How did I get into the bedroom? I do not remember.

Mika: I took you. You were going to be all crooked and you were not going to sleep well.

Emília: Thank you. And the love birds? Did you hear anything else?

Mika: According to Richard, everything went as planned and they left relatively early.

Emília: What about now? Next step.

Mika: I have to go and deal with things and you have to meet Lola at the hotel.

Emília: Why?

Mika: Because I'm telling you. Who is the boss?

Emilia: Okay. (Raise her hands in defeat)

They finished eating and left the house. Already at the hotel, Lola expected Emília and when she approached Lola she gave her a big hug. After a few seconds of reaction Emília hugged her too.

Lola: Thank you.

Emília: You're welcome.

Lola: I've already hugged Mika. You were missing.

They took a taxi and stopped at a museum called "Grévin". Emília had never even heard of it. They got out of the taxi and entered the museum. Emília soon realized that it was a wax museum. That is, a museum with public figures, cartoons among others made in wax in a very realistic way.

Emília: Really? What are we doing here?

Lola: I'm not sure, but let's go see the celebrity room.

They entered a room that looked like a palace where several public figures in wax were scattered giving the idea of ​​being in a V.I.P.party. Merilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, among many others were there. Emília took pictures with some of them and went around the room to the statue of Mika. She opened her eyes wide and went slowly to the doll.

Emília: It's identical!

She began to walk around him to watch every detail. Lola watched her and laugh at her reaction.

Lola: I think they made the doll prettier.

Emília: (smiles and looks into the eyes of the statue) How is it possible that the eyes are so realistic ?! And it looks like he's breathing.

Emília slowly stretched out her arm to rest her hand on the statue's chest and see if it moved. When her hand was almost touching it, the statue hugged her. Emília gave the loudest scream of her life and tried to let go of the "statue" but she did not leave her.

Mika: Em, it's me.

Emília: (pushes him) Your freak !!! (Punches him) You almost killed me !!! It was not funny !!!

Lola: (laughing) Sorry ... but it was VERY funny.

Lola and Mika were laughing, and Emília wanted to strangle them both.

Emília: Was that your big idea ?!

Mika: Yes, but do not do it to you. Do it to the fans. Had to test on someone first.

Emília: (angry) Congratulations! It worked!

Mika: Great. Now I want you to stay here to welcome the fans.

Emília: But then they will understood something is up.

Mika: No. You're going to say that we're doing a best photo contest with my statue and you're here to take the pictures and then they're going to be published and so on. Then pretend you're taking a picture and I come to life.

Emília: How long did it take you to have this idea?

Mika: A few days. Let's do this?


I really loved to go to this museum but, i'm really afraid something like this would happen :D

Who wouldn't love to be prank ike this anyway?! :P

Thank you people.

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