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As soon as they got in the car Mika pressed deep into the accelerator and went as fast as possible to the airport.

Emília: M, slow down! I want to go to the airport, not to the hospital!

Mika: Calm down! I know what I'm doing.

Emília: Of course you know! That time you bumped into a crate you knew what you were doing.

Mika: That dustbin was definitely driving in the wrong direction.

Emília: Right ...


Mika: Okay, you're right! Stop reminding me how bad I am!

As soon as they got to the airport, the two of them ran out of the car, entered the airport and began to look around to try to find Romeu. Yet they saw him nowhere.

Mika: Call him.

Emília nodded, grabbed her cell phone and dialed Romeu's number.

Romeu: Hello?

Emília: Where are you?

Romeu: At the airport. Why?

Emília: Me too but exactly where?

Romeu: What ?! You are here?! Doing what ?!

Emília: I came to say goodbye to you. Where are you?

Romeu: Here.

Emília: How strange. Looks like I'm listening to you twice.

Romeu: Honey, turn off the phone and turn back.

Emília was surprised but did what Romeu said and when she slowly turned back he saw Romeu right behind her. At first she got scared but after that she managed to react to his presence and hugged him. Mika moved away to give them space.

Romeu: You're completely crazy.

Mika: I'll tell her that all the time. (Emília and Romeu looked serious at Mika.) I mean ... continue as if I'm not here. (Takes a step back)

Emília: (clinging to Romeu's neck) Did you really think you'd leave without saying goodbye to me?

Romeu: We'll see in two days from now. But you did very well to come and give me a goodbye kiss.

Emília smiled and approached Romeu to give him a kiss but she saw Mika from her peripheral vision with a small smile on his face and wide-eyed. Emília turned her face very slowly to Mika with all the expression of saying "are you going to keep looking at us with that silly face?"

Mika: Oh ... Sorry ... I ... I'm at the entrance.

Mika left their side and as soon as he did Emília moved closer to Romeu and kissed him. It seemed they were clinging there for long minutes until Romeu stepped away and broke the kiss.

Romeu: (speaks softly near Emília's lips)  I would love stay here but I have to go get the plane.

Emília: Well ... (loosen Romeu's neck) You'd better go.

Romeu: (grabs Emília's hand and kisses her) Then we'll arrange something for when you're there, okay?

Emília: Okay. But tell me when you get there.

Romeu nodded, hugged her once more, and went to the line of the plane he was about to pick up. Emília watched until his turn came. He held up his ticket and waved Emília before moving on and disappearing. Emília turned and headed for the car. Mika leaned against it with his sunglasses. When he saw her, he straightened and smiled.

Mika: Can we go?

Emília, before answering, approached him, hugged him, and only after she had left him did she speak.

Emília: Now we can.

Mika smiled, went to the other side of the car, they both got in the car and went to the studio to continue the rehearsal. At the end of the rehearsal they went to the hotel and Mika "landed" on the bed.

Mika: I'm exhausted.

Emília: (sits next to Mika) Me too. The only thing I want is to lie down and sleep.

At that moment, Emilia's cell phone began ringing.

Emília: Noooooo!

Mika: Fortunately it's nothing special.

Emília: (stands up, grabs his cell phone and looks at the screen) Noooooooooo!

Mika: Who is it?

Emília: My mother!

Mika: Then answer! It can be important!

A/N: Remember she is talking in portuguese.

Emília: (sighs deeply and answers) Hello... Yes ... Seriously? ... Yes, it is true ... I have already explained the situation of myself and Mika many times, have not  you realized yet?!. .. Wait, seriously? ... Yes, I really am with him but I would like to have told you first that a magazine ... Yes, I am very happy ... No, he went to Rio de Janeiro ... It's okay, I think that's the most important thing ... Tomorrow we'll talk ... Kisses for everyone. (Hangs up call)

Mika: I'm I wrong or your parents know about Romeo and your mother continues to love me?

Emília: Yes, me and Romeu appear in a magazine in Portugal. And do not say that, I'm sure if she knew you, she'd like you.

Mika: What about Romeu? Do you know anything about him?

Emília: I know he arrived well. The day after tomorrow we're going to stroll through Rio. And you should do the same with Richard.

Mika: All right. I'll think about it.

Emília: But are you really ?!

Mika: I'm going to! Now let me go to sleep.

Mika got up from the bed and started taking off his shirt.

Emília: Okay, here we go again.

Mika laughed and Emília turned away so he could take off his pants and put on his pajama bottoms. As soon as he finished she went to the bathroom to put on her pajamas and when she got back he was already lying in the bed. Emília went around to the bed to go to Mika's side to check if he was awake what was not confirmed. She finally put her hand on his forehead to push his hair back and gave him a kiss ofgood night on the forehead. Then she went back to bed and lay down.

The next day was a hard day as soon as they left the rehearsal room, the only thing that distracted Emília was the messages of Romeu and her friends who knew everything and wanted to know much more. Not even Lola was there for her to talk to. She had been working on the computer in the hotel. It was time for dinner and they were still singing. Emília was still on the piano but she did not even swing her legs to the music.

Mika: Guys, dinner break! Em, we are going to stop! Smile because you know that!

Emília: I'm sorry, M. I was getting a little bored. Do not get me wrong.

Mika: Come on, (grabs Emília's hand) Let's have dinner.

Emília: Where?

Mika: Wherever you want.

Emília jumped from the piano and left the studio with Mika hand in hand to the nearest restaurant.


A/N: Once again, sorry for my english.

Hope you can understand.

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