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The next day Emília could not hide her enthusiasm.

She got up fairly early and made breakfast for herself and Mika. As he was still sleeping she went to the bed and called him but he turned his head to the other side and continued to sleep. So she grabbed the blankets and pulled them tightly causing Mika to jump on the bed and be completely uncovered.

Mika: EM !!

Emília: Breakfast is on the table!

Mika: I'll kill you!

Emília: All right. I'm at the breakfast table.

Emília began to eat her milk with cereals and a few minutes later Mika appeared with his hair all standing and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Mika: If you're always going to wake up like this, I hope he'll not appear.

Emília: Do not say that! I'm really afraid that's going to happen!

Mika: I'm kidding! This will not happen!

Emília: You do not know!

Mika: Neither you!

Emília: Think about it. Have you looked at him ?! For some reason he's a model!

Mika: Okay, I realize your insecurity. He really is something special ...

Emília: (eyes wide open) Mika! He's cute but he's mine! (Starts smiling and pats Mika's arm) Careful!

Mika: (open his mouth in shock) You did not let me finish! I was going to say he might be cute, but you're a pretty girl, too. Besides, do you think he would kiss you if he did not want anything with you?

Emília: I do not know! He can be a pervert! But let's go back. Is it my impression or did you compliment me?

Mika: Yeah ... What's wrong?

Emília: Let me enjoy this rare moment.

Emília got up and went to Mika who was very confused by the situation. She finally sat on his lap, kissed his cheek, and hugged him.

Mika: Em, it seems I do not usually praise you!

Emília: That's because you do not! (hugs him again) But I really like you the same.

Mika: (hugging her too) What do you want?

Emília: (leaves Mika's lap) Okay. I was thinking ... you could help me buy some nice clothes for tonight.

Mika: Why me?

Emília: Because you are good on that.

Mika raised an eyebrow knowing that there was more reasons for that.

Emília: Lola is busy.

Mika: I did not think i could be the first choice.

Emília: Come on! Do not cry over it! Will you help me or not ?!

Mika grabbed the jaw pretending to be thinking much about the situation but eventually did not resist and start to laugh.

Mika: I'll get dressed.

Emília: (while closing the fist and moving the arm down) Catchinga!

Mika laughed a lot with that Emília's intervention and shrugged at her as if to ask why she'd done it.

Emília: Do not ask. I'm down there waiting for you.

Emília came down and the one who was also leaving the building was Richard and Emília called for him.

Emília: Where are you going? If you can tell me.

Richard: I'm going to a gym near here and then I'm going for a walk, maybe.

Emília: Me and Mika are going to the mall so if you want, after you leave the gym, you can let me know and I'll tell you where we are.

Richard: Okay. Deal.

They said goodbye with two kisses and only minutes after Richard left, Mika appeared.

Mika: Let's go?

Emília: Yes. (They go out the door) Do you know who just left? Richard.

Mika: Oh really? Where did he go?

Emília: To the gym.

Mika: Ah, it's time for that.

Emília: Does he usually go?

Mika: He tries to go every day.

Emília: That explains a few things.

Mika: (stops walking) But are you enjoying Richard's muscles ?!

Emília: What ?! No! Do not be jealous! The truth is that you do not have to "appreciate" to notice them!

Mika: You're right.

Emília: You should start going to the gym.

Mika: Or nnot. (laughs)

Emília: Think with me. First, you would see Richard working out.

Mika: Em !! Please!

Emília: Calm down! In the way that he could feel bad!

Mika: Yes, of course. (Smiles low-head) It's all about safety.

Emília: Of course! He might need mouth-to-mouth breathing!

Mika: Yeah ... That's what friends are for.

Emília: Exactly!

Mika: (laughs) You're so silly.

Emília: Second, do not you know what people say about gyms ? It is one of the best places to meet men.

Mika: But I do not want to meet any man.

Emília: Dumb, I'm not talking about you! I'm talking about Richard! If he goes to the gym almost every day, even in various gymnasium scattered around the world, he has a gigantic probability of meeting a handsome man. Do you see now what i'm trying to say?

Mika: I see. And I also realize that you're boring and naive if you think I'd ever go to a gym. To a place where everything is covered in sweat.

Emília: Oooohh ... well ... the germs! I should have thought of that.

They arrived at the mall and saw some clothing stores until they ended up staying in a specific store. Emília chose two dresses and Mika chose three that gave Emilia for her to try out. She went to a fitting room and put on one of the dresses she had chosen. As she left the cabin Mika was leaning against the wall waiting for her.

Emília: So? (spins around)

The dress was salmon, long to the bottom, with long sleeves and no interesting detail. Mika's expression said that he was not going to say good things.

Mika: (scratches his head) You want a coat too?

Emília folded her arms and looked serious.

Mika: You do not really trust your body, do you? Do not cover yourself like that. You have no reason for that.

Emília: How can I trust a guy who says "big girl you are beautiful"?

Mika: Do not be silly and try the others.


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