Pillows fight

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When they arrived at the hotel Mika came to talk on the phone with Guido. Emília dropped her suitcases and fell back on the bed. It was usual for her to do that. It was like a kind of ritual. Mika hung up the phone and lay down next to Emília.

Mika: I already have news about the video.

Emília: And are they good or bad?

Mika: For me they are good but for you I do not know. You can love it or want to kill me.

Emília: (sits down) Mika, what did you do?

Mika: I talked to Guido, I gave him a spectacular idea, as always, and he ended up agreeing that it was spectacular ...

Emília: M, say it once!

Mika: As you know the video is starred by a couple who may seem like "holy" but in fact they are rogues ...

Emília: M, it was me who wrote. I know what you're talking about.

Mika: We think that rather than getting a couple of actors to play that role would be better if we did it.

Emília: We ?! Me and you?

Mika: Yes. Me because ... well, it's obvious, and you because people already know you and they love you and it was going to be fun.

Emília: Well ... it's a new experience.

Mika: Does that mean you accept ?!

Emília: Why not? I've never experienced anything like it, but I even like to perform.

Mika: Good! I'm glad you accept it because I told Guido that you did this role.

Emília: Before I got accepted ?!

Mika: I knew you would accept!

Emília: Your luck is not something difficult to do ... I think.

Mika got up smiling and started unpacking his things.

Emília: My God !!

Mika: What is it?

Emília: You ... are you sure you want us to play the part?

Mika: Yes, why?

Emília: You did not read everything I wrote, did you?

Mika: I did... Parts ... I realized the idea and did not read any more. Should I?

Emília: There is a scene there that I was at the time hesitant whether or not to do because I did not know who was going to play the roles. Guido said that either they were two actors or you and an actress but they had me keep the scene because I thought it was something that would be flashy, especially if you were to represent it.

Mika: And this scene is?

Emília: It's ... a kiss.

Mika: (blows) For a while, you scared me. I thought you were putting me up to do dangerous things.

Emília: I do not think you understand. This means that the kiss will be between us!

Mika: Yeah, I get it.

Emília: And ... You have no problem with that?

Mika: Not really. And you?

Emília: No. But it may be a little ... strange.

Mika: It would be more strange for me to kiss an actress I've never seen in my life. At least I kiss someone I trust. Now that I think about it, that must have been why Guido after thinking loved the idea. In the background, he knew that how comfortable we are with each other is capable of making everything seem more natural.

Emília: (thoughtful) It is possible.

Mika: Do not worry. It's just a technical kiss. (smile) I promise something that will relax you.

Emília: What?

Mika: I promise I'll brush my teeth many times that day.

Emília: (laughs and hits the pillow in Mika's face) Stupid. I've never done anything like this. That's why I'm worried. It's not with the kiss, it's all.

Mika: It's going to go well. It'll be fun.

Emília smiled but did not seem very convinced because the smile was too fast. Mika grabbed the pillow and hit Emília's face.

Emília: What was that for ?!

Mika: To wake you up from that trance.

Emília grabbed another pillow and hit Mika's chest as well.

Mika: The war is open!

Mika got up and Emília got up as well but since she was lower than Mika she stood up on the bed, only after that hit him with the pillow. Emília thought they were going to stay there but Mika started to hit her with the pillow without stopping and she had to do the same to defend herself.

Emília: You're ... such... a ... child.

Mika: You're seeing the wrong way. I am a public figure. I was supposed to destroy the hotel rooms but I never did. Maybe I needed the right company for that.

Emília: So areyou looking at us like the next Zack and Cody?

Mika: It's kinda like that. Except we can be both cute and smart.

Emília: (hits Mika's face harder) And what does that matter ?! The question is, are you strong enough for me?

Mika dropped his chin but quickly his expression turned into a smile. Emília was also smiling on the bed and when she least expected Mika pushed her and she fell on the bed. She tried to get up but she was not fast enough and before getting out Mika was already on top of her to hit her with the pillow. She tried to defend herself but she did not have much strength because she was laughing and eventually she had to surrender.

Emília: I give up! You won!

Mika stopped hitting her with the pillowand pushed it against Emily's chest so she still could not escape from beneath him.

Emília: I give up.

Mika: Then say "I have spaghetti little arms and Mika is the champion in the pillow fight".

Emília: (laughing) I ... I ... do not ...

Mika: It's not to laugh! It's to talk! Otherwise you do not leave here! I can have dormant legs but I will not let you go!

Emília: (breathes deeply and stops laughing) "I havespaghetti arms ...

Mika: "Little arms"!

Emília: "I have spaghetti little arms and Mika is the champion in the pillowfight," (fast and quietly) probably the only thing he's champion.

Mika: What did you say ?!

Emília: I was just praising your dexterity with the pillow. Very Good!

Mika: This time I'll let it pass!

Mika got up and Emília came out from under him. Before he left the room he felt a cushion beating at the back of his neck. When he turned around, he saw Emília running out of the room.

Mika: Em !!


A/N: I think this chapter is already a bit better. What did you think of the video idea? Do you think it will go well? Have you ever had a pillow fight?

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