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They walked along the banks of the Sena river and Emília took the phone from her pocket. It was the first time she made a video call in the middle of the street and, we have to admit, it's kinda weird. What comforted her a little was that she was going to speak in Portuguese, so people would not understood.

Emília:M, do not be frightened now. I'm going to talk in that weird language.

Mika: With who?

Emília: My parents.

(A/N: When they speak in Portuguese is in italic)

Emília makes the call to the parents who respond a few minutes later.

Parents: Hello!

Emília: Hello! Is everything all right?

Mother: Yes, I miss you, but we are ok.

Emília: I miss you too.

Father: You're in Paris, right?

Emília: Are you looking behind me? It is the Senariver.

Mother: Show us!

Emília ran the camera in a 360 degree showing the river, a group of people, a park, Mika looking at her cell phone and the river again.

Mother: Who is there with you?

Emília: Oh! It's Mika.

When he heard his name, he lifted his head. Emília approached him and he and he appeared on the screen. He looked at the couple on the other side and made a small nod.

Mika: Hello.

Father: (seriously) We've seen lots of pictures of you together.

Emília: Natural. We spent a lot of time together.

Mother: Your father refers to what is said about Italy.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) And?! You know he's gay, right !?

Mika returned to look at Emília and she realized that the word "gay" was English and that, surely, he realized that she was talking about him, so she smiled at him with the expression of someone who says "forget."

Mother: What about a real man?

Emília: He's a man!

Mother: I know, my dear! I'm just asking if you have not gotten a boyfriend yet.

Emília: (sighs) No ... not yet.

Mother: You have 26 Emília!

Father: Your mother is right.

Emília: (rolls her eyes) I'll see what I can do about it. Kisses.

Parents: Goodbye daughter!

Emília gives a sigh of relief and Mika looks back at her.

Mika: Is everything okay?

Emília: Yes. It's just my parents and their pressures.

Mika: (smiles) I know how that is.

Emília: Now this gets more excited.

Emília approaches Mika and picks up the camera again to catch them. Only in seconds four girls appeared on the screen.

Emília: Hello!

They started saying "hello" but stopped when they saw Mika and they were literally with silly faces.

Emília: It's just Mika girls!

He smiled and waved again.

Emília: Mika, I'm going to introduce you to my friends. It's Anabela (points), then Bianca, Cátia and, with the glasses is Júlia. This is Mika.

All: Hello!

Mika: Hi. You have very beautiful friends.

They all did an "ow" in chorus.

Emília: They understand English.

Mika: Oh! Okay. Can we just walk while you talk?

Emília: Of course. (They start to cross the river) Girls, have you seen where I am?

Cátia: In Paris.

Emília: Yes, that's obvious. I'm by the Senariver .

Bianca: And you're there with a big "sena" at your side!

Emília looks to the side and sees Mika with her sunglasses in silence.

Emília: Bianca !! Please!

Cátia: You're blushing!

Emília: Mika, how do you say "go for a walk" in French?

Mika: Maybe... "faire du tourisme".

Emilia: Did you hear ?! It is! Go make tourisme! It has some point!


Anabela: May I ask Mika something?

Emília: I don't really care. Be careful of what you're going to say!

Anabela: Mika!

Mika: Yes?

Anabela: Sorry, but is it true that you snores?

Mika: What? No, not really.

Anabela: But Emília said that to a journalist!

Emília: That was something a child would do!

Mika: Really ?! En!!

Emília: (laughs) I could not resist!

Mika: What if I now can not resist doing this?

Mika grabbed Emília by the waist and lifted her off the floor a little. He took her to the end of the walk.

Emília: MIKAAA !!!!

Mika: And now a bath it would be just right.


Mika: We play with Periscope, with photos of journalists and still we defame with the false snoring and then we do not want consequences ?!

Emília: Mika! Do not throw me!

Mika: Do you know what is your luck? It's just that I'm seeing Lola there and I have to go see what she's doing.

He set her down and started to walk to a bridge. She bent down, putting her hands on her knees and taking a deep breath.

Julia: Emília! We're still here!

Emília looked at the cell phone and there they were all and had watched all this. They had an expression between the confusion and the desire to laugh.

Emília: Excuse me.

Cátia: Is this normal?

Emília: No ... kind of ... yes. Look, he's already out there doing crap and I have to go watch him.

Bianca: Excuses.

Emília: Goodbye my dear ones. Kisses.

All: Kisses!


They just don't get exausted of prank each other :D

Who is in love with this friendship?

Thank you very mutch :)

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