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- Richard, I missed you so much!

Mika turned to see who had spoken and saw a man not very young. If this was already strange even stranger was when Mika noticed that he was similar to Richard. The man came over and hugged Richard, punching him in the back.

Richard: I missed you, too. Glad you could come.

The man looked at Mika who gave him a small smile.

Richard: Sorry. I have not introduced you yet. Mika, this is my father, Carl. Dad, this is Mika my ... boss ... and friend of course.

Mika swallowed. Carl reached out is hand and Mika had to do it and shake his hand. Carl shook his hand with such firmness that Mika thought at times that he had ripped off his hand.

Carl: Thank you for supporting my son's talent.

Mika: Come on! That's what friends do. It is not?

Mika tried to catch Richard's gaze but he shifted it to the floor.

Carl: Well, let's have a drink to catch up on?

Richard: Yes, of course.

Carl: Mika, do you want to join us?

Mika: Thank you for the invitation. That's very nice of you, but I think I have to go find someone. I thought he was going to be here but apparently not. It must be gone by now.

Carl: Well, then good luck.

Mika: Thank you. Have fun.

Mika looked at Richard but he never met his eyes. He has always had a low head. Mika shook his head and left. He still hoped that Richard called his name and resolved the situation but he did not say anything and Mika left the building.

In the rehearsal studio the band was rehearsing some chords, Lola was sitting on a couch to deal with her technologies and Emília was tapping the piano with the band's music. Suddenly Mika came in and the band continued to play but at the same time they screamed as if they were the audience at a concert. To the astonishment of all Mika did not react. Even a smile did not sketch and sat at the piano without saying anything. As he did not say anything the band continued to play and to dance.


Emília jumped at Mika's cry and there was silence.


Emília's eyes widened but she never said anything. Neither she nor anyone. No one had the courage to say whatever, so he started playing and the band followed. Emília looked at Lola and saw that she had the same shock. Emília sat at the piano and said nothing. Mika and the band rehearsed until dinner time. Then the band said goodbye before leaving but Mika did not respond.

Lola: I have to go too. Anything you need just say.

Lola looked at Emília who nodded at her and then at Mika who did not drop the eyes of the piano and said anything. Lola left and there was only Mika at the piano and Emília on top of it.

Mika: (without taking his eyes off the piano) You can go if you want. You must be hungry.

Emília: And you?

Mika: I'll play some more.

Emília: So I stay. (sits confortably on the piano)

Mika: But I can take too long you and ...

Emília: I think you did not understand. I willjust live with you.

Mika took a deep breath and started to play. It was ten, fifteen, twenty minutes before Mika began to let a few tears flow. He was crying but did not make a single sound. You could only hear the piano. He tried to sing but his voice did not come out so he just played it as if it were the instrumental of the song. Emília looked at him with a broken heart. She did not know what was going on. Yet she let him play and restrained her own tears. Suddenly he stopped playing, rested his elbows on the piano keys, and rested his head on his hands. Emília jumped up from the piano and sat down next to him. It was not long before he laid his head on Emília's shoulder. She hugged him tightly and ran a hand through his hair.

Emília: Mika, what happened? Talk to me, I'm getting worried.

Mika turned away from Emília and she wiped the tears with her thumb.

Mika: It was Richard.

Emília: I already expected that. What did he do to you?

Mika: I was going to surprise him but I was the one surprised.

Emília grabbed Mika's hands and squeezed them as if giving his strength to speak.

Mika: A man came to see him.

Emília: (opened her eyes) Do not tell me that ...!

Mika: No, he is not cheating. It was his father.

Emília took a deep breath.

Mika: It was going everything okay until he introduce me to his father as "his boss" and then correct for "friend" (ironically) which is undoubtedly much better.

Emília: Did not you say that his father did not accept his sexuality?

Mika: Yes but he's not a teenager! He must have had more boyfriends by now! Did he also introduce them as friends to his father? (gets up) But if you had saw the naturalness in the way he said it! Even I almost believed we were just friends! Does not he realize that his words hurt him ?!

Emília: M, I believe you're very hurt ... and I'm sorry. But I think the best thing to do is to face him.

Mika: It's easy to talk.

Emília: I know. But staying here palying will not solve the problems. I think you did well to come clean for a while before talking to him but I think you really have to question him with what happened. And you also know it's the most correct.

Mika took a deep breath and looked Emília in the eye. She was right, and he did not need to tell her, she knew it. She could see that she knew it in her eyes. Mika approached Emília and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him even harder.

Emília: Let's eat my giant baby. Yes?

Mika smiled and nodded. They hold hands and left the studio. When they reached the street was a car stopped in front of the building. An elegant man stepped out of him and came toward them.


N / A: What now ?! Who is the man this time? I know. So much mystery. What did you think of Richard's scene? Do you think he did well not to tell his father that they do are together or do you think he should haven't said it? What about Emília? Did you ever see the money she could win if she sold her t-shir with Mika's tears on the shoulder? Okay, now I'm messing with you. Thank you for reading. Do not forget to vote.

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