Emília's Letter

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What title is this? Forget the title because this is not a letter from Emília. It could be but she is very busy. The title is:~

Letter from Mika.

Hi, my name is Michael, but everyone knows me by Mika. Who was supposed to write this was my wife Emília. I'm sorry if you are disappointed but Megan decided that she would only fell asleep with her to embalm her despite she is already two years ago.

It's true, two years have gone. Two years of tantrums, hunger, pee and, above all, a lot of love.

When I heard it was a girl, I cried with pure joy and realized that it didn't really matter if it was a boy or a girl. Since that moment I have reduced a little of my work, because I want to spend as much time as possible with my family even though I am still learning about this new life. Once I left Megan fall off the couch and spend the day crying and saying how bad a father I was, but Emília managed to calm me down and show me that we will never be perfect parents, but for them we will always be the best and that being a father is a constant learning process.

I'm better now

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I'm better now. I'm not that nervous anymore and we do a lot of things together. She loves to sit on my lap when I play the piano and loves to add a note or two herself. She loves to hear the high notes, which was to be expected. She also loves to play with Mel and Amira.

And she's getting so, so beautiful

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And she's getting so, so beautiful. Her eyes are turning blue like her mother's and her hair is becoming curly like mine. When Emília saw her first curls she was delirious and even more delirious when someone on the street says that she is just like her father. But I don't think so.

When I look at her sleeping in my arms, I think about how life has taken so many turns

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When I look at her sleeping in my arms, I think about how life has taken so many turns. When I met Emília I was in love with a man. We lived many things together until I realized that I was not and I am not able to live without her. When we got together I felt that if my life were like this it would be complete but I was wrong. Life is never complete but it becomes much more complete when you have a piece of life that was generated from you and the person you love. 

Even know it is not easy, I love being a father. More than I thought.

"Mika, sorry, love, but you have to hold her for a while

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"Mika, sorry, love, but you have to hold her for a while." - Emília said to me, giving me Megan on me lap while she ran out of the room and I knew what she was going to do to go in such a hurry.

"Do you need any thing ?!" - I shouted while pulling Megan closer to me.

"There is no need! It is the usual!" - she shouted, confirming that she was vomiting.

Yes, it's just that we enjoyed having Megan so much that we couldn't refuse to give her company. Therefore, soon I will also have Matheo in my arms.

Thank you all

M & EM

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