Solve your problem

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From outside the room Zuleika's voice was heard to say "no" to someone. After that, someone opened the door to Mika's room.

Mika left quickly from Emília to look at the door and see who had opened it had been Yasmine.

Emília gripped the blankets tighter and moved them closer to her.

Yasmine: What do you think you're doing?!?!?!

Mika: Funny. I was going to ask you the same thing. Have not you ever heard of knocking on the door?

Yasmine: Knocking on the door ?!

Mika: Yes, it's a matter of respect.

Yasmine: Respect ?! How can you tell me about respect ?! Your mother is in the same house as you! It is down there! By the way, we're all having breakfast but nout you since you're locked in the room with her!

Mika would get up from the bed to go talk to Yasmine but Emília grabbed him.

Emília: Mika, no.

Mika: (points out of the room) Go away!

Yasmine: What ?! I'm the one who...

Mika: Go!

Yasmine looked away from Mika and looked at Emília who looked at her hands so she would not have to make eye contact with her. Yasmine finally came out and slamed the bedroom door. Emília and Mika heard her coming downstairs.

Mika: (puts his hands in his face) Sorry.

Emília: You do not have to apologize.

Mika: (grabs Emília's face with one hand) Where were we going?

Emília: I do not know  about you but I was going home.

Emília got up from the bed and began to dress her clothes from the previous day.

Mika: Emília, you can stay a little longer.

Emília: I better not to. It's going to be a bad environment. Do not insist, please.

Mika did not want to contradict her and got up to put on hisr clothes and ended up wearing only his pajama pants because Emilia was already leaving the room.

Mika: Wait for me!

Emília and Mika left the room together and when they got out they confirmed what Yasmine had said. There was everybody in the room having breakfast in silence.

Mika: Good morning.

Emília: Good morning and see you later.

Joannine: Emília, I did not even know you were here and you're going?

Emília: Yes. I have to go.

Joannine: Without eating anything ?! That does not look good!

Zuleika: Just eat anything before.

Yasmine: You guys can only be kidding!

Joannine: Shut up!

Emília: No, please do not argue. I'll be fine, thank you. See you later.

Emília went to the door and Mika followed her. He grabbed the door handle from the front door for Emília so she would not open it and moved as close as she could to speak without anyone listening.

Mika: Are you sure you're okay?

Emília: Yes. Don't you worry.

Mika: I'm sorry.

Emília: Stop! I'm not mad at you!

Mika: But Yasmine ...

Emília: (puts her thumb on Mika's lips) Forget it. (smiles) It was worth it. (Kisses Mika) I love you.

Mika: I love you, too.

Emília: Do you?

Mika: Of course!

Emília: So stay calm with Yasmine.

Mika: I'll have to talk to her! I can not let this go!

Emília: Yes but ... calm down, okay?

Mika: (breathes deeply and rolls his eyes) O-k.

Emília: (smiles) Good boy.

Emília gave Mika another quick kiss and he opened the door for her to leave. Emília waved and smiled. For Mika it was very visible that that smile was not anything happy.

Mika returned to the foot of his family and they were all in the exact places but Mika did not sit in his. Instead, he stood with his arms folded.

Joannine: Are not you going to eat?

Mika: (looks at Yasmine) What's your problem?

Yasmine: (points to her chest) Mine?

Mika: Yes!

Joannine: Does anyone want to explain to me what's going on?

Yasmine: Do you want to explain Mika? Explain to your mother what you were doing instead of having breakfast with your family.

All heads turned to Mika. Everyone had stopped eating less Fortuné.

Mika: I was with Emília.

Joannine: And then?

Yasmine: She did not fulfill the rule of not spending the night here!

Zuleika: There was no rule! You invented it!

Yasmine: And what do you have to do with this ?!

Zuleika: I opened the door to Emília. By the way, sorry bro. I tried not to let her in.

Mika: It does not matter. It's not your fault, it's Yasmine's.

Joannine: I still have not figured it out the problem here.

Mika: The problem is that Yasmine does not respect my privacy. Worse, she does not respect my girlfriend.

Yasmine: The problem is he's not telling you everything! He was not just with Emília up there. He was in bed with her ... Naked!

Fortuné spat the scrambled eggs in his mouth and covered his face so no one noticed that he was laughing.

Mika: No. We were in underwear. But if what you're trying to insinuate is that we were doing more than cuddling, I'll tell you right now that we were not. Know why? Because you stopped us before. It's my room and my girlfriend. I do whatever I want to do.

Fortuné still wanted to laugh more, Yasmine widened her eyes and started to speak but Mika did not give her an opportunity.

Mika: Yasmine, I do not know what your problem is with Emília but you'd better solve it because I really like you but I'm not going to breakup with Emília because of you. I do not think you realize how special she is to me. It may be too soon to say this but I know that Emília is the woman I want to marry and have children with. I want to stay with her forever and "forever" is a long time, so I advise you to get those problems fixed. It is sad that we are this way because I am sure that if you knew each other, you will get along. But I assure you, if you never get along I will not care abou it. I LOVE Emília. (starts to walk away but comes back) One more thing. You know that when I get angry, I mean it. I have not started shouting at you because that person you just kicked out of our house and of my room asked me not to do it. (goes to the bedroom)

There was a silence at the table. Fortuné and Zuleika were in shock, Yasmine was almost crying and Joannine was smiling.

Yasmine: (a little arrogant) Mother, why are you smiling?

Joannine: Yasmine, I'm glad to hear that my son found the perfect person for him. What about you? Are you not?

Yasmine did not answer and left.

M & Em (Mika Fanfiction - English version)Where stories live. Discover now