First discussion

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At the end of the autographs Mika approached Emília who was on the cell phone accompanying the photos of the event Lola was posting on Mika's official website. Emília saw him coming all sweaty and exhausted.

Emília: So M? How were the balances?


Mika: Ah-ah. So funny.

Lola: Now that I think about it, she's right! That's what it looks like!

Emília: Isn't it ?! It looks like crazy balances where Mika is that pair of shoes they all want.

Lola: AHAHAH ... VERY GOOD !!!

Mika: Can I be Ronald Winston's shoes?

(A/N: Ronald Winston is the creator of the most expensive shoes in the world.)

Emília: It may be.

Mika: So that's fine. What was Sarah telling you?

Emília: Sharon !! She was not saying anything. We exchanged contacts so we could talk.

Mika: Really?!

Emília: Yes. Do not tell me you're afraid she'll tell me something?!

Mika: Yes, yes. Trembling with fear. I'm going home to take a shower to see if I still rehearse anything today.

Mika grabbed his coat and said goodbye to Lola and Emília with a kiss. Mika was already halfway down the corridor when Emília called him.

Emília: Mika!

Mika: Say it!

Emília: Wash yourself very well to get free of the germs all over you!

(Emília and Lola laugh)

Mika: (serious) Thank you, Em! I feel much better already.

He continued walking, and Lola and Emília continued to giggle.

Lola: Look at him going with a strange walk.

Emília: This man is so weird.


It was eight-thirty in the morning, and Emília's clock rang. It was time for Skype. It had to be at that hour because that was when the friends could all be together. She prepared her bowl of milk with cereals while she turned on Skype. As soon as she opened she saw her friends on the other side also having their breakfast.

(A/N: Remmenber that the speech is in italic because tey are speaking in portuguese.)

All: Good morning!

Emília: It's so good to have breakfast with you!

Anabela: How's everything there?

Emília: Good.

Bianca: Are you still in Milan?

Emília: Yes. Tomorrow is the concert and then we'll leave.

Cátia: Next stop is Paris, right?

Emília: Exactly.

Julia: Excited ?!

Emília: A little, yes.

Bianca: See if you can get a French.

Emília: I already have two.

Anabela: Yes right! Mika is French, isn't he?

Emília: A part of him. He lived there some good years.

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