Part 6

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As you're getting ready for your date, Harrison comes in with very specific instructions for you to follow before your date.

Harrison: Here read this, then you're coming with me

Part of the note reads "Y/n, go get yourself something nice!"

You: Okay Harrison, Let's go.

You drive to a nearby boutique and buy a nice red dress with black seams. When you're done you get your hair done at a salon.

Harrison: Okay, you're ready for your date!

You: I don't know, I'm really nervous now

Harrison: Oh, don't be, you're going to have fun

Harrison drops you off at the beginning of a candlelit path. As you walk down you see Tom standing at the end of the path.

You: Tom? What's going on?

Tom: I did ask if you wanted to go on a date, didn't I?

You: You did. I guess I just didn't expect this

Tom: What, you thought we'd go to a restaurant?

You: Yeah, kind of

Tom: Well I'm going to change your view on first dates

You: Well, what are you waiting for?

You two sit and enjoy your picnic. You guys talk the whole time, learning more about each other with every word

Tom: Hey, so what about a movie when we get back? You can pick

You: That sounds amazing, and I already have something in mind

Tom: Well, let's get going then!

You head back to Tom's place, holding his hand the whole way. By the time you get back, everyone has gone to bed. So, you and Tom walk as quietly as possible.

You: I'm going to change, then we can watch the movie

Tom: Okay, my bathroom is right there

As you change you hear Harry walk in and he starts asking Tom questions

Tom: Oh, hey Harry!

Harry: Enough with the games Tom, what do you plan on doing with Y/n?

Tom: Umm, date her Harry.

Harry: Why can't you let me have just one?

Tom: Because I find them first and you just want to steal them from me

Harry: Then stop bringing girls home before you start dating them

Right as Harry finishes, you hear Tom yell and Harry runs out. You come out of the bathroom and see Tom holding his eye. Harry punched him and ran out

You: Oh my god, Tom! Your eye!

Tom: Y/n, it's fine, really

You: Tom, what the hell? It's not fine!

You run downstairs and find some ice, you run into Harry on your way back upstairs

You: Harry why would you do that?

Harry: Because he deserved it!

You: How does bringing home a girl he likes make him deserve to get punched?

Harry: Because he always does this!

You: I can't have this conversation with you right now

You walk back upstairs and find Tom

You: Here this is for you

Tom: Thank you. I think I ruined our movie night

You: No, we can still watch what I planned!

You turn on The Impossible and watch Tom's face light up

You: Did I make a good choice?

Tom: Yeah! I had so much fun filming this movie!

When the movie finishes Tom gets up to throw away the ice

You: You pick the next one?

He comes back and picks Thor: Ragnarök, but you fall asleep on Tom before the movie is over.

Tom's POV

(text messages)

Tom: Harrison look who fell asleep! (Image)

Harrison: Aww, Tom I think you've got a keeper!

Tom: Yeah if only Harry would stay away

Harrison: We'll get him to stay away, she's yours!

Tom: I know! I want to ask her to be my girlfriend

Harrison: Tom that's amazing!

Tom: I just hope she says yes

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