Part 115

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'Today's the day you all go home'

You: Are you fully packed?

Tom: Yes, I am. I packed up most of the kitchen too

You: What about the living room?

Tom: Not yet. I'll help though

You: Great. I bought another suitcase for it

Tom: Let's do it

'You head downstairs to start packing'

You: Harry?

Tom: Dude, why are you on the couch?

Harry: Paddy was being annoying

You: You can use our bed. Tom and I have to pack some things up

Harry: Thank you, y/n

'Harry heads up and you start packing again'

Tom: So, what's the plan?

You: For what Spidey?

Tom: The next few weeks

You: Oh, we'll be in New York for at least a week, if you want to go to London, we can

Tom: It would be nice to go back for a bit

You: Well, you have to wait at least a week

Tom: That's alright shortie, I'll be with you

'You and Tom finish packing up the living room. Then you move to finish the kitchen'

You: Did you do most of this?

Tom: Yeah, I thought it would be nice

You: It was very nice of you. How did we even get all these snacks?

Tom: My brothers showed up and Harry could eat a whole horse by himself

You: Oh my god. Some of it needs to be thrown away though Spidey

Tom: Okay. I'll take it all out and you decide

You: Sounds great

'You finish the kitchen, and everyone starts to bring their stuff downstairs'

Kristen: y/n, can you help me real quick?

You: Of course, I can

'You go upstairs, and Kristen locks the door'

You: Are you okay?

Kristen: Maybe...

You: What's going on?

Kristen: Well I definitely need help packing

You: We leave tonight, and you're not packed?!

Kristen: I am here, but I'm not at my apartment...

You: You're moving out of there?

Kristen: Yeah. My mom found out I wasn't there and she's making me either move out or stay

You: Okay. I'll get the boys to come help

Kristen: Great, thank you

'You head back downstairs'

You: Spidey!

Tom: Yeah?

You: We all need to help Kristen move out

Tom: Do you need my brothers too?

You: That would help

Tom: Alright, I'll get them

Harrison: Where's he going?

You: Get his brothers, we're going to help Kristen

Harrison: Oh, yeah. She was really upset last night

You: Yeah, her and her mom don't really get along. After the divorce, they fell out

Harrison: Oh, I didn't know that

You: It's okay. She doesn't talk much about it. She's closer with her dad. He was always there for her

Harrison: I feel like I know nothing about her

You: You don't. You mean everything to her and you're her world now

Harrison: Do you think she would tell me if I asked?

You: She would, yeah

'You all head to Kristen's apartment and start packing. Everyone is doing something to speed it up'

You: Harrison, go talk with her now. It's okay

Harrison: Alright, I'll be back

Tom: Are they okay?

You: Yeah. Harrison just wants to know about her life before him

Tom: Was it bad?

You: It was fine, she just doesn't really like her mom

Harrison's POV

Harrison: Hey Kristen, can I talk to you about something?

Kristen: Sure, everything okay?

Harrison: Maybe. Uhh y/n had mentioned to me why you might be kind of upset

Kristen: What did she tell you?

Harrison: She said you don't have a good relationship with your mom

Kristen: She's not wrong. She's the reason we're all here

Harrison: What?

Kristen: She told me I either move out or stay myself

Harrison: And you don't want to be alone

Kristen: No. I found someone who finally makes me happier than my dad

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