Part 25

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You: Ready for breakfast?

Tom: Sure, I could eat

'You walk downstairs and see Tom's brothers in the kitchen'

Tom: Morning guys. What's for breakfast?

Sam: French toast

Paddy: Don't forget about the eggs and apple juice!

Sam: How could I? You say it every two seconds

'You all laugh, and Tom looks at you with sadness on his face, so you bring him outside'

You: Spidey, what's going on? You're acting really weird

Tom: I don't know, I just feel different

You: Okay, sit down

'You pull up his shirt to make sure there was no infection'

You: Well, that looks okay. What feels off to you?

Tom: My head. I feel like everything's moving a million miles an hour

You: Okay, you're going back to bed

Tom: Why?

You: You're sleep-deprived, Tom. Have you been sleeping? I need you to be honest with me

'He looks at you and you can tell he's fighting back tears'

You: Tom...?

Tom: Alright no, I haven't been sleeping

You: And why not?

Tom: I'm afraid to...

You: What are you afraid of?

Tom: Something happening to you...

You: Spidey, your sleep is more important than me

Tom: Maybe to you. I don't know what I would do if you left me

You: I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon

Tom: There's a lot of things we don't plan

'He looks down at his stomach and you lift his chin up'

You: Yeah, but you'll always protect me. Now come on, upstairs

'Tom follows you upstairs and you feel him wrap you in a hug'

Tom: Will you please stay here?

You: Of course, I won't leave

'You see Tom drift off and a few hours later you grab your phone to text Kristen'

You: Hey, can you quietly bring 

me some water and snacks? I'm trapped

Kristen: Yeah, give me like 5

You: Thank you

'Kristen walks in and you politely tell her to shush'

'You whisper'

You: He's finally sleeping

Kristen: You know it's like lunchtime, right?

You: Yeah, why do you think I ask you to bring me stuff?

Kristen: Why is he sleeping now? And why are you trapped?

You: He doesn't sleep at night and watch

'You try to move and Tom stirs, so you run your fingers through his hair to show him you're still there'

You: Get it now?

Kristen: Yeah, and I thought you were bad

You: He's only bad overnight, but he sleeps fine now

Kristen: Maybe he's nocturnal

You: He is not, I think he's just worried about losing me

Kristen: He's so cute. Well I have to meet Harrison, so if you need anything ask Paddy

You: Why Paddy?

Kristen: I know he's not going anywhere

'Kristen leaves and you just sit in silence staring at Tom's wall till you fall asleep too'

Tom: Shortie!? y/n? Someone help!

'You wake up, but Tom isn't awake. So, you run your fingers through his hair hoping it will help'

You: I'm right here Spidey...I'm right here

'You notice he's breathing heavier and he's starting to sweat. He jolts awake and starts crying, and you wrap him in a hug'

Tom: Shortie?

You: I'm here

Tom: Thank god

You: Okay well I'm going to change my shirt

Tom: Why?

You: I have a perfect sweat mark from your head Spidey

Tom: I'm sorry

You: Don't worry about it, that's what laundry's for, right?

'When you come back from the bathroom Tom is nowhere to be found'

You: Tom? I know I wasn't gone that long

Tom: Out here shortie

You: Oh, so how's your head now?

Tom: Definitely slower, but still moving pretty fast

You: Let's go get some food in you

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