Part 85

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Tom: Shortie!

You: Hi Spidey! How was your night?

Tom: Amazing!

Mrs. Holland: y/n!

You: Hi Mrs. Holland! How are you?

Mrs. Holland: I'm great! And thank you for taking Tessa off our hands

You: What?

Tom: Of course, mom, we don't want you to stress

You: Yeah, plus Tom loves Tessa

Mrs. Holland: He may love her more than you

Tom: Mom!

You: It's alright, I already know that

'You take Tom and Tessa to the car'

Tom: Why are they here?

You: I picked them up from their date

Tom: I hope they don't mind Tessa coming

You: We'll talk about that later

Harrison: Tessa!

Kristen: Hi girl! Oh, you're so pretty!

'You drive home and bring Tessa inside. You let her run around as you and Tom head upstairs to chat a bit'

You: When were you going to tell me about Tessa?

Tom: Right now?

You: Thomas!

Tom: I'm sorry. I thought she would help

You: I don't care that we have her Spidey, I love Tessa. What I care about is why you didn't even send a text about it

Tom: I didn't think you would mind

You: I do, but I don't. That just another responsibility for us, on top of work

Tom: Tessa's a good dog, she won't be a problem

You: Promise?

Tom: I promise

'You walk back down and see Tessa on the couch and Kristen is next to her'

You: Where's Harrison?

Kristen: Sleeping. That boy can drink

You: Is that why I picked you up?

Kristen: Yeah. The club scene was crazy

You: You'll get used to it, just give it some time

Kristen: Can I ask you something?

You: Of course, anything

Kristen: How did you do it?

You: Do what?

Kristen: How did you get through everything and act as if nothing happened?

You: I can't let you all see me struggle, but on the inside, I'm screaming. There's a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of crying, and a lot of squeezing

Kristen: We never see that though...

You: I'm fighting my own battle, and I don't want to get you guys involved

Kristen: y/n...

You: Look, I'm okay. Just some days are tough, and you can't release during the day or everyone will know. So, I do it when you're all asleep

Kristen: So, you're getting better?

You: Yes. I'm fine, really. Today was a good day. I've had a couple of good days now

Kristen: What makes a bad day?

You: Tom not being right. Like when he has a panic or anxiety attack. It tears me apart because I know it's my family's fault

Kristen: Is that why we have Tessa?

You: Yes. Tom thinks she will help. I hope you don't mind her here

Kristen: Not at all! Tessa's adorable

You: I know right. She's the best...besides my shortie

'He gives you a kiss and sits next to you'

Kristen: I'm going to bed. Thank you for the talk y/n

You: Of course, anytime, you know that

Tom: Night Kristen

Kristen: Good night Tom

'You start to rub Tessa's back'

Tom: You okay?

You: Yeah, I'm fine

Tom: I'm heading to bed. Don't forget we have to leave early in the morning

You: My alarm's already set. I'll be up soon

'Tom heads up to bed, and you start to break down. You don't know why, but you just let it happen. Tessa put her head on your legs, and you start to calm down. You head to bed and Tessa follows. She stayed at Tom's feet the whole night'

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