Part 137

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'You and Tom get everything you were looking for. Everyone will be at the beach house at 7 for dinner'

You: Tom

Tom: Yes shortie

You: Would it be okay if I ask Kristen to be the godmother?

Tom: I was already thinking that

You: Great. Who are you going to ask to be the godfather?

Tom: I'm debating between Harrison and Sam

You: Well, tell me your thoughts

Tom: Well, Harrison has been there for me when I need him and I figured Kristen would be the godmother. Sam is probably my favorite brother, and I know that if anything were to happen, he would step up. I also know that he would do anything for anybody

You: I think I'm team Sam, but this is your choice, not mine. I picked Kristen

Tom: Alright...y/n, would you be okay if I chose Sam to be the godfather?

You: It would be more than okay Spidey

Tom: Now we have to do something special with them

'You get home and quickly put everything together upstairs while Tom orders dinner. You leave everything upstairs till dinner is finished'

You: Okay, everyone stay here!

Tom: We'll be right back!

'You bring down the boxes to hand out'

Mrs. Holland: What's this?

Tom: Tom and I have very exciting news...

Tom: Open the boxes

'Everyone opens them and starts screaming and hugging you'

Harry: I thought this wasn't possible

You: So, did we

Tom: So, we just have to take extra caution, that's all

You: Oh! Sam and Kristen, these are for you two

'They open the boxes and Kristen starts crying'

Kristen: Are you serious!?

You: Yeah, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else

Sam: I'm honored you chose me

Tom: You're my brother and I know you'd do anything if anything were to happen

'You give a big hug to everyone, then Mrs. Holland pulls you aside'

You: Is everything okay?

Mrs. Holland: Yes, of course. I just wanted to tell you that if you ever need anything to ask

You: Well actually, I could use some advice

Mrs. Holland: Alright, I'm ready

You: I just got promoted a few weeks ago. John is retiring and picked me to take his place. I don't want this baby to grow up on a set, but I also don't want them without Tom and I

Mrs. Holland: Well, first you need to breathe. And I agree they shouldn't grow up on a set

You: So, what do we do?

Mrs. Holland: I am always willing to take care of them while you're gone

You: I don't even know where we'll raise the baby

Mrs. Holland: Where do you want to?

You: Here, honestly. Your boys went to a great school

Mrs. Holland: That's if you have a boy

You: The sister school is just as great. I looked at it

Mrs. Holland: You're going to be a great mom

You: I really hope so. I want this kid to live the life I never could

Mrs. Holland: With you and Tom they will don't worry

'She gives you a big hug and goes back to everyone else. You just stay in the kitchen cleaning up'

Tom: Will you ever stop cleaning?

You: It keeps me distracted, you know that

Tom: I do, yes. Can I help?

You: Sure

Tom: So, what's on your mind

You: How I'm going to do this...

Tom: The same way we always do

You: You don't have a baby growing inside you

Tom: That's okay, but I'm glad you do. Now you can finally carry your own child

You: You remember that conversation?

Tom: Shortie, I remember the day I first met you. How could I forget what you say?

You: You can barely remember interviews...

Tom: They aren't as pretty as you

You: Oh my god

Tom: What?

You: You're too cute

Tom: Why thank you

'You both laugh and head back out. Everyone's out by 10, and you watch a movie before bed'

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