Part 145

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'It's been a week and you're on your way home. Sophie never caused any issues, and you and Tom are excited to find out the genders'

Kristen: Welcome home!

You: Hi!

Kristen: How's my god baby doing?

You: Good. Keeps me hungry

Harrison: Well, you have to eat for 2 now

You: I know, but I didn't think I'd constantly be hungry

Tom: Well, maybe it's a boy then. We're always hungry

You: I don't know, maybe. Hey, where's Sam?

Harrison: His room

You: I'll be right back

'You go up to Sam's room and find him and Paddy playing video games'

You: Miss me?

Paddy: y/n!

You: Hi Paddy. How are you boys doing?

Paddy: I'm fine then he whispers: I don't think Sam is

You: Can you let me talk with him?

'Paddy leaves and you sit next to Sam'

Sam: Hey

You: You doing okay?

Sam: I think so. I have to learn how to function without the meds

You: Yes, you do. And I'm assuming it's not going well

Sam: Yeah, no. It's been a week without the meds and each day feels worse

You: Have you gone outside? We do have the beach

Sam: No, I've barely gone downstairs

You: Come with me...

'You hold out your hand for Sam to take. He takes your hand and you drag him outside'

You: Come on guys!

Tom: What's happening?

You: Sam's off the meds and he hasn't been out of his room in a week

Tom: Even with the beach?

You: It makes sense. I felt the same way. I never wanted things to get worse, so I stayed in one place

Tom: I thought he was getting better

You: He is. It takes some time after the meds

Sam: It's beautiful out here

You: That's why you need to come outside. This is the first step in the right direction for you

Tom: And we're always here, and then in 7 months you'll have a niece or nephew to cheer you up too

Harrison: Wait, would they be my niece or nephew?

You: Not technically, but you will be uncle Harrison. They don't need to know you're not related

Kristen: We can just say I'm y/n's sister. We already act like it

Tom: That's the truth

You: You make that sound like a bad thing

Tom: It's not, I just wish I had a sister

Harrison: That would've been fun

Tom: Yeah, no boy would be good enough for her

You: I hope that's how you treat our daughter if we have one

Tom: Then you better treat our son like that if we have one

Kristen: Harrison...I want one. I want a baby with you so badly

Harrison: I still think we should wait till theirs is here

'You give Kristen a hug'

You: You'll get one don't worry

Kristen: I get yours to practice with

Tom: Yeah, you'll be great parents

Harrison: I really hope so

Sam: Are you guys coming in or not?

You: I'm going to stay here, Tom go

Tom: Don't have to tell me twice!

'You sit on the sand watching the happiness around you. You start to talk to the babies'

You: I can't wait for you two to get here. You are my little miracles, and I can't wait to meet you. Your lives will be far from normal and very crazy, but you'll love it. These people here will love you so much, no one will ever be good enough for you...

Tom: Hey, who you talking to?

You: Our little miracles

Tom: I hope you meant what you said

You: Every word. Oh, Kristen planned a reveal party

Tom: Well, we'll keep one a secret

You: Or we find out one tomorrow and the other at the party

Tom: I love that idea shortie

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