Part 130

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Kristen: y/n! Get up!

You: Hmm

Kristen: Let's go!

Tom: Kristen, it's 7 AM. Why are you yelling?

Kristen: I'm shopping for my wedding dress and y/n's bridesmaid dress

You: Uhh, give me 20 minutes

Kristen: Fine, but not a second more

'She leaves and you roll back over'

Tom: No, no get up

You: I only need 10 minutes to get ready, so that means 10 more minutes of sleep

Tom: Uh no, not happening. Just get up shortie

You: Fine!

'You get up and head into the bathroom to get ready'

Kristen: y/n?

Tom: She's in the bathroom

You: What's up Kristen?

Kristen: What do you want for breakfast?

You: Nothing, I'm not hungry

Kristen: Okay, I'll meet you downstairs

'You finish up and Tom stops you before the door'

Tom: Please eat something

You: Tom, it's okay. It's too early for me to eat

Tom: Will you at least send me a picture later?

You: I'll make sure to send you my food

Tom: Thanks, shortie

'He gives you a kiss, and you and Kristen leave'

You: Are you excited?

Kristen: Yes! I hope my dress is as beautiful as yours

You: I think it will be prettier than mine

Kristen: Thank you for helping me

You: Well, it's so much better than hanging out with the boys

Kristen: Yeah it is

You: So, do you have a specific dress in mind?

Kristen: No, I'm just going to try on ones I think would look good on me

You: Then it's a good thing I know what you like

'You get to the dress shop and start walking all around. You pull a bunch of dresses off the racks'

Kristen: Jesus y/n. How many did you pull?

You: I think 15. We need to try on different styles

Kristen: Those are all different styles?

You: Yeah! Let's go try everything on!

Kristen: The best part!

'Kristen has tried on almost all the dress. While you walked towards the back of the store, you find the most beautiful dress and run it back to Kristen'

You: Kristen! I found the one!

Kristen: Oh my god, that's beautiful

You: Come on, try it on

'She puts the dress on and comes out in tears'

You:'re glowing

Kristen: I know. It's so beautiful

You: this the one?!

Kristen: Yes!

You: Alright, take it off so I can pay for it

Kristen: Are you sure? It's a lot of money

You: I don't care how much it is. You're happy, that's what matters to me

'Kristen takes off the dress and you pay for it. You leave it behind the counter till you find your dress'

Kristen: Okay, time for yours

You: Let's do it. Pull as many as you think I'll like

'You guys go around and pull more dress. You try on all of them, and then you decide the one you want'

Kristen: That bluish-gray one is beautiful on you

You: That's the one I was thinking about

'You buy your dress and you guys head to lunch. When your food comes you told Kristen to smile'

Kristen: What are you doing?

You: Sending a picture to Tom

Kristen: Why?

You: He wants to make sure I'm eating since I didn't eat this morning

Kristen: Why didn't you eat this morning?

You: I can't eat that early, it makes me nauseous

Kristen: Makes sense. Did you tell that to him?

You: No, I just told him I would send him a picture

Kristen: It's cute how much he cares about you

You: Yeah. And Harrison cares a lot about you too

Kristen: Really?

You: Do you know how many of your dates I've planned?

Kristen: You mean his original idea dates

You: Yes, those dates

Kristen: Oh boy. Well, they were wonderful anyway

You: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm excited for you two

Kristen: I can't wait to spend my life with him

You: Kristen Osterfield...not bad

Kristen: I love it so much more than bf/l/n

'You finish up lunch and head back home to join the boys on the beach'

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