Part 110

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'It's been a few days since you and John finished the movie, and you can't wait for the premier'

Tom: 3 more days!

You: Yeah, I know. Why are you so excited anyway?

Tom: Well, I'm in it, and you made it

You: You're too cute

Tom: I try

You: Are you going to be okay for a few hours?

Tom: Yeah, of course. Why?

You: I need a dress for the premier, so Kristen and I are going today

Tom: Okay, here

'Tom reaches in his pocket and hands you his card'

Tom: I know we agreed no more after the wedding dress

You: So, why are you giving me this?

Tom: The dress will serve as a thank you and congratulations

You: You kill me

Tom: Oh and buy Kristen's too. It's my thank you to her

You: Okay Spidey. Do you want to give me a limit?

Tom: Nope. I want you two to buy the dresses that make you happy

You: Thanks Spidey

Kristen: Hey, you ready?

You: Yes, let's go

Tom: Have fun you two!

You: Thanks, Tom!

'You give him a kiss and head out shopping'

You: Are you excited?

Kristen: Yes! I can finally shop for a dress without being wrapped up in gauze

You: Uh, please stop. I feel bad enough it happened

Kristen: Don't, because I would do it again tomorrow

You: Let's hope not. Hey, I've got a surprise for you

Kristen: Really?! What is it?

You: Tom will be buying your dress today

Kristen: No, I can't—

You: Nope, it's his thank you to you

Kristen: Thank you?

You: For having our child

Kristen: Ooh, that's so sweet of him

You: And you can get whatever dress you want

Kristen: Seriously?!

You: Yeah, he wants us to buy dresses that make us happy

Kristen: It's like your wedding all over again...

You: I know. It's so crazy to think about the past year

Kristen: Tell me about it. A year ago, we were lucky to go to Comic-Con. Now we're dress shopping for a red carpet

You: I never thought I would be here

Kristen: Same. And I never thought I would have your kid

You: Well, I'm hoping you won't have to

Kristen: What do you mean?

You: I'm really hoping that the doctor at the hospital was wrong

Kristen: y/n...I think we both know he wasn't wrong

You: A girl can hope, can't she?

Kristen: She can. But I don't want you to be let down

You: I know, but I've always wanted to go through it. The joy at the end of it all, that baby shows you that all the misery was worth it

Kristen: I know, but you'll be there with me

You: Do you want to wait till after your wedding?

Kristen: What do you mean?

You: Like wait till you've had the ceremony and your honeymoon

Kristen: I don't mind being pregnant for my wedding

You: Then you can't really do much, or wear the dress you want

Kristen: Okay, we'll wait till after our honeymoon

You: Perfect! And we're here!

'You and Kristen walk into the store and try on tons of dresses. Kristen found hers, but you don't seem to like any until...'

Kristen: y/n! Look at this one!

You: It reminds me of my reception dress...before there was a hole

Kristen: And it's in a beautiful blue. Try it on!

'You try on the dress and just smile in the mirror'

You: What do you think?

Kristen: It's even more beautiful on you, and it really makes your eyes sparkle

You: Alright, I'll get this one. Are you okay with yours?

Kristen: Yes, I love it

You: Okay, let's buy them

'You bring the dresses up to the front and pay for them'

You: Ready for lunch? My treat

Kristen: Yeah. And you mean Tom's treat

You: No, I mean mine. Tom paid for the dresses

'You and Kristen drive to your favorite place and enjoy lunch. Out of the corner of your eye you can see people starting to gather outside the restaurant'

Kristen: You might want to call Tom

You: They never follow me though

Kristen: There's no one else in this place who's famous

You: I'm not famous, Tom is...

Kristen: That puts you there too

'You and Kristen sneak out the back and head back home'

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