Part 105

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'It's been a few weeks since your parents were arrested, which means it's court day'

Tom: You ready for today shortie?

You: I'm super nervous. I don't want to mess anything up...

Tom: You won't, I promise

You: Are you going to testify too?

Tom: Yes. I'm pretty sure the order is Kristen, Harrison, me, Jacob, you

You: I'm last?

Tom: Yes, I think my dad is hoping to convince the jury before we get to you

Mr. Holland: That's the plan but be prepared for anything. Just because I have an order of witnesses, your parents' lawyer may have a different one

You: That's alright, we'll work through it...

Tom: Alright, let's go then

'You get in the car and feel the stress rising. You start to clench your hands, but remember it wouldn't help'

You: Hey Tom, can you pass me a napkin, please?

Tom: Yeah, didn't—

You: Only for a second. It looks like a paper cut, I'm okay

Tom: Okay, but here. Take my hands instead

'Tom reaches behind him and you grab his hand. As you get closer to the courthouse you can see all the people standing outside waiting'

You: Do we have to walk through them?

Mr. Holland: I'm sorry, but yes

You: No, it's okay. It's not your fault Mr. Holland

Kristen: You going to be okay?

You: Not sure. When we get inside just take me to the bathroom no matter what, promise?

Kristen: I promise

Tom: Ready shortie?

'You take a deep breath'

You: Yes, but let's hurry before I break

'Tom takes your hand and drags you through every one. Kristen and Harrison are behind you pushing you forward. You finally make it inside'

Kristen: Tom, I'm taking her. I promised her

Tom: Okay, I'll be right here

Kristen: Perfect...

'Kristen takes you to the bathroom and locks the door. She wraps you in a tight hug knowing that will help'

Kristen: Hey, I'm here. You made it

You: Thank you...

Kristen: Are you ready to go out there to Tom?

You: Yeah, let's go

'You walk out to Tom and wrap him in a hug'

Tom: You okay?

You: Yes. I just needed a second of quiet

Tom: Well, let's head in. Wait...let me see your hands


'He grabs your hands and kisses your forehead'

Tom: Okay, now we're ready

'He lets go of one hand and all 4 of you walk in. You take a seat with Tom's brothers and you start to fidget'

Paddy: y/n?

You: What's up Paddy?

Paddy: Can we go swimming when we get home?

You: Of course, we can! And maybe get some ice cream too!

Paddy: That sounds like so much fun

You: It will be Padster

'You lay your head on Tom's shoulder and grab his hand'

Tom: Paddy's good at distractions, isn't he?

You: He is, and we have to buy him ice cream

Tom: Why?

You: I may have said we could get some

Tom: Okay. We'll get some on the way home. Okay, Paddy?

Paddy: I still get ice cream, so yeah

Mr. Holland: Okay, y/n I'm going to need you to sit with me

You: What about Tom?

Tom: I have to stay back here

Mr. Holland: I'm sorry

'You turn back to Tom and start to feel the panic rising'

You: I'm going to break Tom, you know that

Tom: Are you wearing that bracelet I got you?

You: I always wear it...

Tom: Then I'm right next to you

Mr. Holland: Ready?

You: Yeah

Mr. Holland: Don't be nervous. We've got a great case, and those pictures and doctors notes are really going to help

You: I hope so. I even wore a shirt that's easy to move if they don't believe the pictures

Mr. Holland: You came prepared

You: I want this to be done with. I want them gone, and I'll do anything, I'm just nervous I'll mess it up

Mr. Holland: It's okay to break. That will show the judge and the jury how much trauma you've been through in your life. It will show your courage and strength to stand up for not only yourself but your new family

You: Thank you so much, Mr. Holland

'You sit for a few more minutes before the judge, the jury, and your parents come into the room'

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