Part 38

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Tom's POV

Tom: How could she do this?

Sam: For the same reason you stood in front of her

Paddy: You love her Tom

Harry: Yeah, and she loves you

Tom: I get that, but why would she want to be by herself against her family?

Mrs. Holland: She doesn't want us to get hurt

Tom: I don't want her to get hurt mom!

Mrs. Holland: I understand that, but y/n can hold her own

Tom: She shouldn't have to

Tom's phone rings

Harrison: Hey, where are we going?

Tom: Our beach house for a while

Harrison: Cool! Y/n does come up with good ideas

Tom: Yeah, if only she was here

Kristen: WHAT!? She's not with you?

Tom: No, she stayed behind to keep us all safe

Harrison: Oh my god

Tom: I already don't feel good about this, so I'll let you guys know when we're going to stop

Harrison: Okay, thanks mate

'He hangs up and Tom stares out the window'

Your POV

'Your phone rings again, but you don't know the number'

You: Hello, this is y/n

Jacob: I know

You: How could you do all of this?

Jacob: I always get what I want

You: From mom and dad. Not me

Jacob: You will

You: I will not Jacob. The last time I did something nice for you, you stabbed me. I still don't even know why

Jacob: You call pushing me to bed nice?

You: No, I call giving you water and snacks to sober you up nice

Jacob: You did that? All I remember is you pushing me to bed

You: Yeah, because by that point you had at least 3 glasses of water in you. You weren't completely sober, but you weren't plastered either

Jacob: y/n, I'm so sorry

You: Are you just trying to butter me up, so you can get an invite?

Jacob: No, mom and dad told me these horrible things you did that night before I went to bed, but I think it was them. I don't think I did any of this, they did

You: What do you mean?

Jacob: If I show up at Tom's house will you let me in to talk? Please?

You: The only way you can come in is if it's just you, and I need to see your hands the whole time. Also, no wires or anything that mom and dad could listen on

Jacob: Deal. I'll be there in 15

'You hear the phone click and call Kristen'

Kristen: Hey, are you okay?

You: Yes, I need you to listen to me. I need you to stay on the phone. Jacob is coming to Tom's and I need someone to listen

Kristen: I can do that. I'll mute my end so you can't hear anything here

You: And one more thing

Kristen: Let me guess, don't tell Tom

You: Yes, I will tell him everything tomorrow

Kristen: Deal

'Just as you finish with Kristen, Jacobs knocks. You take a deep breath and open the door'

You: Okay, prove you're alone

'Jacob proves he's alone and you bring him to the kitchen island'

You: Alright, you have 10 minutes before I lose my shit

Jacob: Okay look, mom and dad have lost it. The night I stabbed you, dad had told me all these horrible when we parked the car before dinner. Then when you went to the bathroom before left, they bashed you again. I got so frustrated I went to a bar, not a party, and got plastered. Then I was so angry and not thinking clearly when I came home. But I wasn't angry at you, I was angry at mom and dad, you just look like mom I guess

You: So, you never meant to stab me?

Jacob: No! I wanted to stab mom, wait that's not right

You: It's okay, as long as you're not going to stab me now. But I do need to ask you something

Jacob: Please anything. I want to make this right

You: Why did you stab Tom?

Jacob: Because mom and dad had me believing he was bad for you. I was trying to protect you, honest

You: There are other and better ways to protect someone, Jacob

Jacob: I know, I know I'm really sorry

'You see Jacob start to clench his hands as you do'

You: Wait...You do that too?

Jacob: What? The hand thing?

You: Yeah, I thought I was the only one

'You stick out your hands to show him your scars'

Jacob: I thought it was just me too. Mine started the first-time mom and dad bashed the shit out of you and I couldn't help. It's only gotten worse since then

You: Mine started after you stabbed me, but it would only happen again whenever you guys came around. That should've been my hint

Jacob: Look, I'm so sorry. I want to make this right. I'm not looking for an invite anymore, I'm just looking for a visit and maybe bring Tom every once in a while

You: A visit where Jacob?

Jacob: In prison. I'm planning on going back once we finish here

You: So, you only broke out of prison to tell me this?

Jacob: Yes, because if mom or dad were around, they'd brainwash me or you into thinking otherwise. I want a happy life you have y/n. I'm so proud to be your older brother

You: Thank you, Jacob, that means a lot

Jacob: Can I get a hug?

You: Are you going to pull any games or tricks?

Jacob: Nope, promise

'You give Jacob a quick hug'

You: Alright, I can drive you back, it's kind of far

Jacob: Oh, thank you

'Before you leave, you hang up the phone with Kristen. You drop Jacob off and call Tom right after'

You: Tom?

Tom: Oh my god y/n, are you alright?

You: Yes Tom, I'm fine. I've got some exciting things to talk about while I drive

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