Part 81

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'You finish the day with only a few people recognizing Tom and you head to the front of the castle'

Tom: Thank you for showing me what being normal is like

'He gives you a kiss and you put your head on his shoulders'

You: Everyone needs a break...

'You intertwine your fingers with Tom's'

You: ...And what better place than Disney

Tom: You're so cute

'You all enjoy the fireworks and head back towards the monorail'

Kristen: Is Paddy asleep on his back?

Harry: Yeah. He always does that to Sam

Harrison: He's adorable

Tom: Not to rush us, but when do we go home?

You: Early Monday, so we have tomorrow here

Kristen: That's amazing!

'The monorail takes you back to the resort. Tom's parents put Paddy to bed, and everyone else follows'

Tom: Where are we going tomorrow?

You: To another park, duh

Tom: Okay, which one?

You: Animal Kingdom. It's not as big, and we probably won't be there all day, but it's definitely fun

Tom: Works for me!

'You climb into bed, snuggle up to Tom, he gives you a kiss, and you both drift off'

Kristen: y/n!

You: What happened?! Where's Tom?

Tom: Right here...

Kristen: Someone's a sleepy head this morning

You: Not really. Our reservation at Chef Mickey isn't until 9:30 and the park doesn't open till 11. And it's 7 in the morning

Kristen: This is what happens when you don't tell us

You: It's okay. I'll just get ready

'Tom and Kristen leave, and you just lay back down and fall asleep. About an hour later Tom comes back in'

Tom: Hey shortie what's—she's so cute. Hey y/n, you have to get ready

You: Okay. I'll be ready in like 15 minutes

Tom: Don't go back to sleep. It's 8 and breakfast is in an hour!

You: Yeah, okay

'You get dressed and head out'

You: Everyone ready?

Paddy: Yeah!

'You all get on the monorail and head to Chef Mickey'

Tom whispers: We aren't sitting away from everyone?

You: No, this is how normal people sit and eat. It's okay, don't worry

'You all enjoy breakfast, take pictures with all the characters, and have a great time'

Harrison: Which park is today?

You: Animal Kingdom. The monorail doesn't go there, so we have to take the bus

Harry: What are we waiting for?

Kristen: Yeah, let's go!

'You all head to the bus station'

You: Alright, Paddy, look for Animal Kingdom on the bus. You're in charge. I'm counting on you

Paddy: I won't let you guys down!

'Paddy spots the bus and you all get on'

Sam: So, what's first today?

You: Whatever you guys want. I only planned the park and dinner tonight

Harry: Don't they have a safari?

You: It's actually a boat safari I believe

Harrison: Okay, that's cool

Kristen: Warning to everyone though, this park doesn't have as many rides

Tom: That's alright. We're here to enjoy the moment, right y/n?

You: That's right

Paddy: It's been pretty fun

Tom: I'm glad you think so Paddy

'You get to Animal Kingdom, and you let the boys lead the way. You all had an amazing day, but it's dinner time'

You: Okay, tonight is fancy dinner everyone!

Harry: Like shirt and tie nice?

You: No, like khaki's and a polo

Sam: We can pull that off

Kristen: So, dress or jeans?

You: Dress, I don't want to stand out

Tom: Why not? You're beautiful

You: It's okay Tom, I was joking

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