Part 140

194 6 2

'You guys get back home but want to surprise everyone later with the twin news'

You: Tom, I don't have anyone else to be a godmother

Tom: Why don't we do 2 godfathers?

You: Okay, I pick Harrison as one

Tom: Now we have Harry and Paddy

You: Good luck with that one

Tom: I think it's going to be Harry. I feel like Paddy's a little too young

You: Alright. I feel like we should include him though

Tom: He's the life of the party. He can be included in the next one

You: Next one?

Tom: Yeah, depending on how this goes

You: Oh boy, I'm 3 months into this one and you want more? My body might break

Tom: That's why it's a maybe

You: This is going to sound weird, but I want to just keep everyone thinking we're only having one

Tom: That's a bit weird, but why?

You: I want them to be happily surprised

Kristen: How was the doctor?

You: Great. Me and the baby are doing well

Kristen: That's exciting

You: It's very exciting

Harrison: Tom, you have an interview, let's go

Tom: Oh right! Bye shortie, love you

You: Bye Spidey, love you more

'They leave and you make lunch with Kristen'

Kristen: Soo...

You: What? I know that so

Kristen: I was wondering if I could throw you a party

You: Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun. I go back in 3 weeks and we should hopefully find out

Kristen: Yay! I'm so excited

You: Me too...

Kristen: What's wrong?

You: I have to go to New York for 2 weeks for interviews

Kristen: Have you told Tom?

You: No because he has to stay here for movie interviews. If I tell him, he'll cancel them

Kristen: Why is that a bad thing?

You: He needs to get paid, we've got a little one coming

Kristen: I know, but tell him, don't just leave

You: Why do you constantly ruin my plans?

Kristen: Because you and I both know you can't be in that apartment alone

You: I was going to go to a hotel

Kristen: Save the money. You have an apartment and you have Tom. Either you tell him, or I do

You: Fine. I'll tell him later

Kristen: Thank you!

'You and Kristen clean up lunch and you go to take a nap'

Tom's POV

Tom: Hey! We're home!

Kristen: Shh! She's asleep upstairs

Tom: Oops

Kristen: How was the interview?

Tom: Great!

Harrison: And he can't spoil anything this time

Tom: Did you know that y/n has the next script, and I can't find it anywhere

Kristen: Oh my god, you can't find it for a reason

Tom: Oh yeah?

Harrison: You can't keep a secret

Kristen: That's a fact

Tom: I'm going to check on y/n

'Tom comes upstairs to your room'

Your POV

You: Hey Spidey

Tom: Hey

'You open your arms so he could come to hug you'

You: How was your interview?

Tom: Great! I had a lot of fun

You: I'm so glad to hear that

Tom: You doing alright?

You: Yeah. Carrying two babies around is tiring

Tom: I know

You: Tom...

Tom: Yeah?

You: I'm leaving for New York in 2 days

Tom: What? Why didn't you tell me?

You: I was going to earlier, but then I thought I should just go by myself since I'd be there for 2 weeks

Tom: You're not going by yourself

You: I know, you'll be with me

Tom: Damn right. When will we be back?

You: The day before the next doctor's appointment

Tom: Alright, I'll pack us some stuff. You get some sleep

'He gives you a kiss and heads off to pack. You pull a blanket on you and fall back to sleep'

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