Part 41

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'You head downstairs and out to the cabana to enjoy some alone time'

Paddy: y/n!

You: Paddy?

Paddy: Yeah! Can we hang today?

You: I would love to. Are you not allowed with the big boys?

Paddy: No, I'm too young apparently

You: That's okay, you and I will have more fun

Paddy: Can we go swimming?

You: Don't have to ask me twice!

'You run into the water with Paddy. You swim for a few hours and head inside'

Mrs. Holland: y/n! Paddy! Dinner's ready!

Paddy: Coming, mom!

You: The last one up owes the other ice cream

Paddy: You're on!

'You and Paddy take off running. Paddy ends up winning because you let him'

Paddy: You owe me ice cream!

You: A deal is a deal. How about later when the boys come back?

Paddy: That works for me!

'You enjoy dinner and you all sit to watch a movie. About halfway through the boys come home'

You: Did you guys have fun?

Tom: Oh yeah

Harrison: It was great, just like I planned

Sam: You planned that?

Harry: y/n does better

You: Oh shush. Harrison, I bet it was great. I can't wait to hear all about it

Harrison: Kristen, ready to go?

Kristen: Where are we going?

Harrison: To bed, I'm really tired

Kristen: Ahaha, yeah let's go

You: Are you tired?

Tom: Not yet. Want to sit by the water?

You: I'd love to

Paddy: What about my ice cream?

You: Tomorrow, promise

'You and Tom head out to the water. You sit in between his legs and lay back'

You: I love this sound. It's so relaxing

Tom: You're relaxing to me

You: You're cute Spidey. But how was your night actually?

Tom: I'm going to say different, and Harry's right

You: About what?

Tom: You have better ideas

You: Well, thank you

'You and Tom sit out on the beach for hours till you decide to head to bed'

You: Goodnight Spidey

Tom: Night shortie

'You fall asleep in Tom's arms, and a few hours later you hear screaming'

You: What's happening?

Tom: I don't know, stay close

'Tom grabs your hand and you slowly walk towards the screaming'

You: Tom...

Tom: It's okay, I've got you

You: No, look down

Tom: Is that blood?!

'Just as Tom says that you look up and see a figure in the hallway. You nudge Tom and he moves in front of you'

Tom: Who are you and how did you get here?

You whisper: That looks like my dad Tom

Tom: Mr. y/l/n?

YD: What Tom?

Tom: What are you doing sir?

YD: Protecting my daughter from happiness

Tom: This isn't protection though, this is mad

YD: No, you're mad. You aren't right for my daughter

You: Yes, he is dad. You just can't wrap your head around the fact I'm happy

'You step out from behind Tom'

YD: You don't deserve this

You: If you were going to shit on me so much, why did you even have me?

YD: We didn't plan on it

You: So why can't you let me go then?

'You see him reach in his pocket and start to get nervous'

Harrison: Tom!

Tom: Uhh kind of busy right now!

Harrison: Kristen needs help!

You: What did you do?!

YD: What any protecting father would do

You: Make me miserable?!

YD: No, make you lonely

You: That's not what a father does

'You see Harrison come up behind your dad with a knife'

YD: Well I'm no ordinary father

Harrison: This is for stabbing Kristen!

'Just before he stabs your dad the police arrive and arrest your father. You, Tom, and Harrison run to Kristen'

You: Oh my god, I'm so sorry

Kristen: It's not your fault. Now go get towels!

Mrs. Holland: Kristen!

Paddy: Is she okay?

'You motion to Tom to get Paddy out of there'

Tom: Hey bud, come with me. Let's go outside

'Harrison comes down with towels and the ambulance shortly arrives'

You: Harrison, you go with her, and Tom and I will be there as soon as possible

Harrison: Okay

You: Tom! Come on! I need you to drive!

Tom: Coming!

You: Can we take Paddy Mrs. Holland?

Mrs. Holland: Of course, he loves Kristen

Tom: Ready?

You: Yeah. Come on Paddy, you're coming too

Paddy: Is she okay?

Tom: I don't know yet bud

You: That's why we are leaving

'You all get to the hospital and find Harrison'

Harrison: Paddy?

You: Don't make this a thing, please

Tom: How is she?

Harrison: Doctors are operating on her now, she passed out in the ambulance

You: I hope she's okay

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