Part 33

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'You hear a knock at the door'

You: I'll get it, you keep getting dressed

'You answer the door in your pajama's again'

You: Hello, how can I...

'You see who it is and slam the door'

You: Tom!

'Tom comes running down'

Tom: Who is it?!

You: My parents and Jacob

Tom: You go upstairs, I'll handle this

You: What's the point? They know I'm here

Mrs. Holland: What's going on?

Mr. Holland: Who slammed the door?

'They look at you and your family knocks again'

You: What am I going to do?

Tom: We'll protect you. Stand behind us

'Tom's father opens the door and Tom's brothers come down and stand behind you. You're surrounded by the Holland's'

Mr. Holland: How can we help you?

YM: We're here for y/n

Tom: What do you mean here for y/n? She's not going anywhere

YM: She's not a part of your family

Mr. Holland: Yes, she is

YD: How could you say that?

Mrs. Holland: Because she is

Jacob: No, she's a nothing and doesn't deserve to be as happy as she is

Tom: Why not?

YD: Because as he said, she's a nothing

Tom: No, she's not!

Paddy: y/n is sweet, kind, funny, and a really amazing cook

Harry: And she's been the best friend I've always needed

'You stand in the middle of the Hollands about to cry. You are surprised at what they all have to say'

Jacob: There's no way you're talking about y/n

Mrs. Holland: We are, and if you can't give her the life and love she deserves then leave and we will

Mr. Holland: y/n deserves to be happy, and you can't give that to her

Sam: So, we will

'Your parents storm off and you make sure they drive off before they close the door'

You: Thank you, guys. You have no idea how much this means to me

Paddy: You're welcome, but what's going on with your hands?

'You were so distracted by the compliments you didn't realize you clenched your hands'

Tom: y/

You: Oh my could I?

Tom: Come on, upstairs

'You walk upstairs first'

Tom: Hey mom, can you make y/n her favorite dinner? It's macaroni and cheese

Mrs. Holland: Yes, you go take care of y/n

'Tom heads upstairs to you'

You: I'm sorry...

Tom: It's not your fault shortie

You: And thank you

Tom: Well this is my job

You: No, for standing up for me

Tom: I would do anything for you, and besides no one should be spoken to like that

You: That's been my whole life Tom

Tom: Well, now you have a family who'll stand behind you

You: Always?

Tom: Always. Hey, there's a surprise downstairs for you while I'm away

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