Part 133

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'Today is the big day! You all had been really busy putting everything together making sure it's perfect'

You: Kristen!

Kristen: What?!

You: It's your big day!

Kristen: Oh my god I thought there was something wrong with you!

You: Well, I have been nauseous, but I think I'm eating too much...

Kristen: Or...

You: That's not possible remember. I even went to a third doctor

Kristen: They could be wrong

You: Kristen, drop it. Today's all about you and Harrison, and I can't wait

Kristen: Alright, I'll wake up Harrison, you wake up Tom

You: What if we switched

Kristen: Oh yeah! That would be fine

You: Okay, I'll act like you, you act like me

Kristen: I've always wanted to be you

You: Aww, I've always wanted to be you too

'You both run upstairs to wake up the boys'

Kristen's POV
Kristen: Hey Spidey, it's time to get up

Tom: No, 5 more minutes shortie

Kristen: Nope, get up. Your food will be cold

Tom: Fine. Can I at least get my kiss?

Kristen: You want a kiss from me?!

'He opens his eyes to see Kristen'

Tom: You're good...

Kristen: Why thank you Spidey

Your POV

You: Harrison?

Harrison: Hmm

You: Time to get up, it's our big day!

Harrison: I can't wait to be your husband and spend the rest of my life with you

You: Really!?

'He rolls over to see you'

Harrison: I meant what I said...

You: I know you did. I'm so happy she found you

Harrison: You know, I asked everyone in her family for their blessing

You: Yeah?

Harrison: Expect you. So, y/n, can I marry your "sister"?

You: Of course, you can! I'm so happy for you guys!

'You all get up and Kristen kicks the boys out so you could get ready. You do Kristen's hair and makeup and she does yours. Since the wedding is on the beach behind the house, you go out to make sure it's perfect'

Mr. bf/l/n: I hope you aren't wearing that

You: Mr. bf/l/n, hi! And no, I'm not wearing this, just have to make sure it's perfect

Mr. bf/l/n: You are a really great friend to her

You: She was great first, I'm simply returning her kindness

Mr. bf/l/n: Is she almost ready?

You: Probably not. She was eating lunch when I left

Mr. bf/l/n: I'll go check

You: Go up the stairs, third door to the right

Tom: Shortie!

You: Hi Spidey

Tom: I think you're missing something

You: Yes, I know. I'm just making sure everything's perfect

Tom: I figured as much. Go get ready and I'll do this

'You give him a kiss and head back to put your dress on'

Kristen: y/n, that dress is beautiful on you

You: Thank you, but its' your turn

'You help Kristen with her dress and you both almost cry'

You: Your dress is better

Kristen: You think so?

You: Yeah, it's even better than my wedding dress

Kristen: Stop, that dress doesn't compare to this one

You: Either way, Harrison will love it

'You finish getting ready and line up for the ceremony'

Tom: You look amazing y/n

You: So, do you Thomas

'You all walk down the aisle. Harrison started to cry when he saw Kristen walk down the aisle'

Harrison: You look stunning

Kristen: Thank you. You're not too bad yourself

'The ceremony concludes with a ton of cheering at the end. Everyone heads off to the ceremony'

You: Tom, we're taking your brothers

Tom: Okay, you get the twins and I'll get Paddy

'Tom drives you all to the reception and you wait for Harrison and Kristen to get there. You catch Tom trying to drink you just laugh'

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